Friday, January 25, 2008

January 25

An unidentified man was fatally shot in the head just after midnight in the 900 block of Pennsylvania Ave.

Two men were leaving a liquor store on N. Stricker St. yesterday evening when a man walked into the store and shot them both. Neither has died, though one of them came mighty close.

Let's see if I've got this straight. Dad goes into the McDonald's at Northwood Plaza, and someone jumps into his van and drives away with all the kids inside. How many stupid people were involved in this scenario?

Leon Frederick Richards Jr. apparently has some pervy friends.

The Examiner's lead about last week's attempted prison break in Jessup speaks volumes: "A hole dug with crude tools. Bedsheets tied into a 200-foot rope. A prisoner wrapped in duct tape."

So if you didn't mean to kill him, jackass, what exactly was your goal? A soothing massage?

Hooray for witnesses!!!

Today's Blotter gives us a beating (at a safe and reliable bus stop), a stabbing, and some stolen sauce.

$150,000 worth of shoes were stolen from a Red Wing truck.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that you can easily shoot 2 people using loud gunfire and just run off into the night is bothn funny and sad
