Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31

A 16-year-old boy was fatally shot in the face yesterday afternoon in a rowhouse near Bentalou Elementary.

Jose Bassat was found guilty of murdering Mister George.

Kevin Klink pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter, and faces 13 years for killing Robert Brazell Jr. during a fight at Mt. Hebron High School in Ellicott City last year.

If I'm reading this story correctly, then Demarco Edward Brown is being charged with attempted murder for encouraging someone else to shoot a bicyclist in the legs. The "someone else" has not been ID'd.

In the Blotter: a home invasion, a McDonald's robbery, and an assault of a drunk.

A HarCo teenager was suspended and charged after leaving a gun, machete, and pocketknife in his car at school.

Charles Redfearn was charged with first-degree assault after an attack in Arbutus on Jan. 25 that involved fists, a knife, and hitting an old man with his own cane.

Delegate Talmadge Branch says we can't be trusted with Tasers.


  1. Talmadge Branch is an idiot. What the hell kind of a name is "Talmadge" anyways. Of course, tazers are a pretty unreliable and mediocre self-defense tool. Concealed firearms (illegal of course in MD) work far better.

  2. ppatin, I had you in mind when I posted that one. I knew Talmadge's proposal would make you happy.

  3. Heh, I guess I am just that predictable.

  4. "Is Baltimore just a magnet for assholes?"

    Do you really have to ask? Cuz, um... Yes.

  5. Tazers should be standard issue on the MTA

  6. At the protest, David Johnson, an activist with the Black Community Forum Think Tank, said Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon and other city leaders are to blame for what he says is preferential treatment authorities give to white residents over black residents.

    “We are witnessing a rewhitening of the city of Baltimore,” he said.

    Well....the blackening of Baltimore has not worked too well.

  7. "“This isn’t 1857. This is 2008. We won’t be chattel property.”"

    Must... stop... self.. from.. getting... in... car.. and... running ... over... idiot... protestors...


  8. how do these people have time to protest this case during the freaking afternoon?

  9. Here is part of the People's Democratic Uhuru Movement's platform in case anyone is interested:

    6. We want the immediate and unconditional release of all black
    people who are presently locked down in U.S. prisons.

    7. We want complete amnesty for all African political prisoners and prisoners of war from U.S. prisons or their immediate release to any friendly country which will accept them and give them political asylum

    8. We want the immediate withdrawal of the U.S. police from our oppressed and exploited communities.

    10. We want the right to build an African People's Liberation Army.

    11. We want the U.S. and the international European ruling class and states to pay Africa and African people for the centuries of genocide, oppression, and enslavement of our people.

    14. We want the total liberation and unification of Africa under an All-African socialist government.

    I'm not sure whether I hate these people or whether I feel pity for their stupidity.

  10. If they were muslim extremists, we could deploy 100,000 troops to wipe them out under the rubric of Homeland Security.

    What if they're just hateful, racist extremists ?

    Shouldn't that count for something ?

  11. Also, as an historical matter, look at Robert Mugabe's example of anti-white nationalist socialist 'liberation'. A nation which used to be the breadbasket of Africas has five-digit runaway inflation and can't feed its own population, let alone anyone else.

    So, Uhuru Movement,... let's not.

  12. Less than an hour ago, a car crashed into a fire hydrant on Cold Spring right by my house (NE Baltimore); cops (about 6 cars & vans and Foxtrot helicopter) were ALL OVER it in less than a minute; I was almost taken down in my backyard (I yelled "I live here!" and was left unmolested). They caught a woman two houses down from me & took her away in handcuffs. The crash demolished a fire hydrant which, I noticed, did NOT spray water everywhere, right by my house - I guess it was off?!?
