Saturday, January 5, 2008

January 5

Galt wrote in the comments that someone was fatally shot on Thursday the 4th in the 3500 block of Howard Park Dr., but this hasn't been reported anywhere that I've seen.

The head of Dimensions Healthcare System says no more non-emergency prisoner patients until the state can get its act together. And when Dimensions calls you a screwup, you know it's bad.

New charges were brought against the bus beaters.

Ronald Lee Moore, the accused sex offender who was captured in Louisiana after being accidentally released from the Baltimore City Correctional Center, tried to kill himself. No word on whether he used a cattle prod in his suicide attempt.

A 19-year-old was arrested and charged with arson after allegedly setting five fires in a Pikesville apartment complex. (WBAL has a charming headline for their video: "Man Arrested In Complex Arson." Would he have been let go if it had been a simple arson?)

"There are no 'bad' kids in Baltimore." Go Gregory.

Two trials that are scheduled to start on Monday: The first-degree murder trial of Earl Bazemore and Victor Miller, who are accused of killing Andrew Levi Jackson on September 25 2006, and the second-degree assault trial against Rodney Corban, who is accused of beating a Muslim doctor who was washing his hands and feet in a bathroom at UMMS.

The Wegman's that is slated to replace the Wire soundstage in Columbia is meeting some opposition.


  1. The "nine little dears" (which is freaking awesome Mr. Hanes) were "documented [to have]numerous absences, suspensions, failing grades and physical attacks on school property" by the State's Attorney.

    Christ, these kids are 15 YEARS OLD and should be in 10th grade but they can't even pass test for 7th graders (let alone behave like them).

  2. The year-end numbers are in:

    New York and Chicago see large drops in homicide.

    New Orleans has wacked out (high) numbers because it's largely depopulated.

    The rest of the violent cities have murder rates for 2007 as follows:

    Cities over 100,000 pop.

    Baltimore City 45.4
    Detroit 43.96
    St. Louis 40.64
    Newark 34.8
    Oakland 31.34
    DC 31.15
    Philadelphia 27.0
    Flint 25.37
    Memphis 19.58

    Cities under 100,000 pop.

    Gary, IN 71.45
    Camden, NJ 52.45

  3. Stun gun parties are growing in popularity. IMO this is a dumb trend. Tazers are nice tools for cops who needs to deal with drunks and losers engaging in anti-social behavior, but if you're in a life-threatening situation there's no substitute for a real gun. Tazers aren't always effective, whereas a bullet will stop a criminal every time.

  4. WTF. Columbia needs Wegmans. I NEED Wegmans. (I grew up in Western NY).

    As for the Taser parties - what ppatin says may be true if you disregard the average woman's lack of desire to actually kill someone. Most people (not all I'll admit) are more likely to actually use the taser since it is a generally less lethal alternative.

    Besides I can get one in PINK or PURPLE. To match my outfit, of course.

  5. Whoops. No purple. But I can get blue.

  6. "As for the Taser parties - what ppatin says may be true if you disregard the average woman's lack of desire to actually kill someone. Most people (not all I'll admit) are more likely to actually use the taser since it is a generally less lethal alternative."

    I suspect that the average woman would be more than willing to kill if she was in imminent danger of being murdered or raped, which is the same sort of situation where a tazer would be used.

  7. I disagree. For many people, there is still a psychological block to using a gun. Also, a taser requires less accuracy and in a panicked state would be more likely to effectively "disarm" an attacker.

  8. As a woman who considers herself pretty damn average, I can say without hesitation that I would not have any qualms about shooting someone (and yes, killing them if need be) who was a danger to me or one of my children.

    I know several women who own guns and know how to use them...and would echo the same sentiments I wrote in the paragraph above.

  9. Guns also have the added advantage of intimidation. I don't have the numbers right at hand, but most incidents where a gun is used in lawful self-defense end without a shot being fired. Criminals see that their intended victim isn't so defenseless and they get out of there. A thug (or, god-forbid, multiple thugs) will be a lot less scared of a taser.

  10. Yeah that's the thing, those pink tazers are not a very good deterrent-- until he gets zapped, your attacker will think you're brandishing a Lady Shaver.
