Saturday, February 16, 2008

February 16

Charles H. Davis and Nicholas Dudley Pinderhughes Weaver were arrested for the 2002 murder of 16-year-old David L. Baskin Jr.

Death-scene details from Annie Linskey in yesterday's murder of Shenera Norris.
"Norris ran through a neighbor's open door. The man crashed through a window to follow her, according to the witness. "I heard him say, 'I'll pay for the window, ' ... She died in her underwear, running for her life.
Former drug dealer Fred Brooks: "when I encountered the joke of the state legal system I really felt untouchable."

Arkansas police stopped 31 pounds of cocaine en route to Baltimore.

Remember the Liberian guy who avoided child sex abuse charges because Maryland court officials couldn't find an interpreter for him? He's being deported, at least.

Women's Wear
AG Doug Gansler has gotten David's Bridal to stop charging excessive layaway fees.


  1. The guy who killed Shenera Norris and was subsequently killed by police will not go down as a homicide, right?

    The Sun's coverage makes the crime sound pretty horrible. The poor woman ran into several different apartments, in her underwear, trying to get away from the killer. He finally caught up with her and stabbed her to death in someone else's apartment.

  2. Police involved shootings don't count as homicides.

  3. Whoa, did anyone else read about that drag-racing accident that killed 7 people in PG County?

  4. I did, I think it's 8 now dead from the street racing. I like the comment from "Albert":

    "I wonder if the Sun will have an editorial tomorrow calling for "common sense" restrictions on car owners. Who needs a car that goes so fast? Lets mandate all applicants for a driver's license show a need to drive a car before we let them drive. We should ban all sports cars, mandate a maximum 100 horsepower engine, and require a speed limiter to prevent all cars going over 35mph."

  5. honestly, if some crazy asshole with a knife was chasing to kill a woman in her underwear, id like to think i would be wielding a bat at the window to clock his ass when he tried to jump through.

  6. mjb,

    I worked with a woman who's husband was into hotrods and such. He didn't actually do anymore street-racing (he was older and had a kid now), but I'm sure he did in his younger years. I know for a fact that some of his cars were only "street legal" when they had to go in for an inspection or a VEIP test or some such. He would "down modify" them for the legal paperwork and then "re-up modify" them afterwards. Some of the modifications these guys make are not easily detectable unless you're a certified grease monkey, which most cops aren't (in case of a traffic stop). There are already restrictions on what makes a car "street legal" but they are easily circumvented using the process outlined above. More legislation aimed at putting more "common-sense restrictions" on car owners would be unlikely to touch this particular group of people. You can't legislate stupid, unfortunately.

  7. I think "Albert" was being sarcastic-- I like the way he pegged the chiding, out-of-touch tone of the Sun editorial page.
    Of course you can't legislate sense or taste. But how else could delegates and editorial-page writers stay busy but for trying?

  8. That'll teach me to comment without actually reading the quoted source material. :)

    On another note, someone STOLE my brand new big yellow recycling bin! With my address written all over it! Stupid Baltimore! :(
