Friday, February 1, 2008

February 1

Darrell Holmes was the boy who was killed on Penrose Ave. on Wednesday, and his 12-year-old cousin has been charged with manslaughter.

Edward Lamont Hunt, killed by a police officer Jan. 24, was unarmed, and a witness says he was shot in the back while he was walking away.

The MTA9 is now the MTA6, and lawyers for the remaining six defendants want to exclude everything but the kitchen sink from the kids' trial.

"To Baltimore City bailiffs, Olufemi Obua is an impatient, rude courthouse visitor who assaulted a security officer after refusing to follow orders. To Obua’s family, he’s the victim of a 'brutal beating' at the hands of courthouse security officers."

Baltimorean Charles Christopher Furth, 46, pleaded guilty today to distributing child pornography by computer.
WTF?!: "Furth stated that he has about 5,000 still images of child pornography and six movies of minors from ages one years old and up."

Yeah. Like that's the only house in Hampden with machine guns and grenades.

Usually check cashing joints steal money from the people, but not this time.

Recovery houses should be safe and secure. Too bad they didn't figure that out before the Remington shootings of 2005.

Tyrone Powers wants us to snitch. Not just on dealers and murderers, but also on politicians, cops, and preachers.

Officials say the Violence Prevention Unit for ex-cons is already working.

Farther Afield
Three people robbed a Cockeysville McDonald's on Tuesday night, and one of them has been arrested.

A HoCo Circuit Court judge rejected a plea deal for Eduardo Raul Morales-Soriano, a drunk driver who was to be sentenced for killing two people.

A security camera in Takoma Park caught an attempted abduction.

Stolen gas and shoes in Hagerstown.

In AAC, Mama chased down a perv.


  1. Say, weren't some idiot planners just envisioning high-rise luxury towers and faith-community prayer-gardens for Station-North ??

    Baltimore idiots. They just keep creating more redundant housing stock. We already have too much housing and too few functional occupants for it.

  2. Those are the fugliest "units" I've ever seen. Like a low-rise soviet tenement!

  3. To be fair, the Darrell Holmes killing should not be counted as a murder. It looks like an accidental shooting -- manslaughter as negligent homicide.
