Sunday, February 10, 2008

February 10

Prosecutors dropped all charges against Oscar Adams, the second gunman accused of murdering pregnant Ashley Harris, 19, in front of Club Choices in March of 2006.

A fire this morning in in the 1900 block of Edmondson Avenue may have been arson.

"Body Mystery In Bel Air"

Free to work 14 hours on Tuesday? You can make $150 as an election judge! <- opens .pdf

Editorials: Rodricks bitches about jury duty.

1 comment:

  1. For a long time my mother stayed a Republican because they needed one as an election judge for our precinct in the city. What they don't tell you is that, it is more than a 14 hour job. If the polls are to run smooth, 1 hour before you need to start setting up. you work the 13 hours the polls are open. If no one is in line at 8PM you start closing. This can take an hour or 3 (gathering results, securing the equipment...). In addition you have a few hours of training to go through before every election.
