Friday, February 15, 2008

February 15

It wasn't gang related, he hadn't stolen their girlfriend, and he didn't owe them money for drugs. Nope, looks like 16-year-old Dundalk resident Joshua Gibson was a victim of the dreaded random attack. At least it happened in the county, so perhaps the douchebags who killed him will get more than a stern talking-to.

Stephen Todd Nelson awoke from his coma and confessed to throwing his little boy off the Bay Bridge.

Leroy Wooden was arrested in the Southern and charged with murdering Barry Newman in August. The beauty of it all is that if somebody had told Leroy that he shouldn't beat up his woman, he might still be free.

A man was shot in the parking lot of the Rite-Aid on Frederick Ave. in the Southwestern. Police are looking for a heavyset male with a black shirt and blue jeans, a description that fits me perfectly.

First he beats up skateboards, now we learn he's beating up boxes.

AAC Sheriff "Flowers by Ron" Bateman is a pretty clever guy. Not so romantic, maybe, but clever.

Eric Griswold doesn't quite understand the whole drug-dealer-handshake thing.


  1. They ought to toss Stephen Nelson off of a bridge...

  2. I disagree. The long slow process of being in prison being victimized by the other inmates as the appeal process for the death sentence slowly moves through the process sounds like a nice torturous existance for someone who threw a 3 year old off the Key bridge.

  3. The chances of Nelson getting the death penalty are non-existent. I'm pretty sure he didn't even commit a capital offense (I'd need to double check if the murder of a child is an aggravating factor that would turn the crime into capital murder, but I'm almost certain it's not.) On the other hand, guys who toss 3-year olds off of bridges probably aren't very popular in prison, so hopefully he'll get what he deserves.

  4. "Del. Robert A. McKee, a Washington County Republican, said that authorities searched his Hagerstown home Jan. 31 and seized his personal computer, "including images that are available on the Internet.""

    Sounds like someone got busted with kiddy porn...
