Monday, February 18, 2008

February 18

There was a double shooting at the Paradox Nightclub in the Southern that left one person in "pretty bad shape." A shooting and/or assault at Lombard and Paca might be related.
UPDATE: One of the victims has died.

A man was shot inside his car yesterday afternoon on the corner of W. Saratoga St. and Arlington Ave.

The man who was murdered in Morgan State student housing on Friday was not a Morgan student.

The Volunteers of America Comprehensive Sanction Center on E. Monument St. is apparently a pretty great place to be if you're a recently released inmate who doesn't want to bother with all of that pesky supervision.

Annapolis had its third murder of the year yesterday when Timothy Marsh was shot to death in his car in the 1300 block of Tyler Ave.

Darwin lives!

Somebody's a cranky fussypants! New footage shows Officer "I am not a dude" Rivieri kicking a remote-control car with way too much intensity. (Thanks Lucid!)


  1. Saw the new Wire On Demand last night.

    Don't want to be the first to spoil it, but wow...

  2. Some a-hole already spoiled it for me. I won't say what I was told, but if anyone around you starts talking about episode 8 you need to cover your ears and hit him until he shuts up.

  3. The shooting at Paradox Paradox turned fatal. Chalk up #21.

  4. PPatin,

    Sorry to hear that.

    I really think we need a Wire specific discussion in the immediate future.

  5. I just finished episode 8. The scene with McNulty at the FBI was hilarious, made up for a lot of the mediocrity in this season so far.

  6. Blargh! No giving it away! I'm all into it now!

  7. I didn't reveal anything, just letting you know that you have something to look forward to.

  8. Real live comments made by my husband and myself while watching Episode 8 of The Wire tonight:



    "WTF?!?! OMG!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!"

    That is all.

  9. Hey look, legalized theft:

    HB 1277, "the [state] treasurer shall attempt to use to the greatest extent feasible certified minority business enterprises... . for brokerage and investment banking services."

    Baltimore delegates Jill Carter, Frank Conaway, Keith Haynes, Barbara Robinson and Nathanial Oaks are supporting the passage of this racist bill. Jill Carter got my vote against Sheila Dixon in the last mayoral primary, but she'll never get it again.

  10. But, Ppatin - you don't understand... these minority investment firms clearly are incapable of procuring government contracts on their own - they're little babies in the business world and weak! The only way that they will be able to survive is if Bills like the esteemed delegates pass. That way big gov't can make sure that they get a piece of the pie. Clearly, you are a racist!

    /---sarcasm ends here ---/

    My only comfort is that if a bill liked that somehow survived the delegates it would probably sink in the (comparatively) more conservative Senate. Although I'm certain that Senator Joan "Potty Mouth" Conway and Nathaniel "Nate Dogg" McFadden would push hard for it.

  11. "Fairness doesn't just happen, it requires the right government programs."


  12. Ppatin - where did you find that nugget of wisdom?

  13. Supposedly it's something that Hillary Clinton said. I'm a little skeptical, since most of the over the top Hillary Clinton quotes/anecdotes out there are wildly exagerated or completely made up.
