Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February 20

Updates in this week's Murder Ink.

IBJIM? No, more like IBICKY.

Terrell Watson / Terrence Washington has got to get some credit for sticktoitiveness. (There's a Successory in there somewhere, like maybe a prison fence with an eagle soaring above it at sunrise.)

An Aberdeen cabbie (would that be a Caberdeen?) was robbed at gunpoint.

Police want to question a New Yorker about Jeff Payne's murder.

NY college student Nicholas Dudley Pinderhughes Weaver waived extradition.

You can get out of jail (almost) free, but even that may be too high.

Beware of IRS phishers.

A new chapter in the Sun's slow, painful death: after the demise the London and Beijing bureaus, now they're closing Towson! The extra office space will make space for a publication called "b," that will be "reader-generated" and "user-generated."
More on this from the S itself.
(A prescient article from the WSJ from two years ago: "Do New Free Dailies Mean Sun Is Setting For Paid Newspapers?")


  1. There was an interesting article on bail bonds in the NYT not too long ago.

    The Sun story seems to imply that when somebody flees and doesn't pay their bail, the bondsmen's insurance company is on the hook to pay for it, not the company ("Bail bondsmen complain that the 10 percent minimum fee, which is set by their insurance underwriters, is a hardship for many clients.") Wonder if that's the case?

  2. Most newspapers have an online readership that is quickly surpassing the printed readership. The problem is management cann't count them for the advertisers they have to farm out the advertising to a third party which cut into their cut of the advertising dollar. That's why a number of papers are getting together to start what is bassically their own online ad company.

    Then there are the people like me who use one of the web ad blocking technologies. (customized host file)

  3. hocojoe, Firefox has a good plugin for blocking ads. I can't read the Sun's website without it.

  4. Carol,

    If you use a customized host file with your router then it dose not matter which browser you use, and it works for every computer in the house.

    It also gives the added benefit of blocking/stopping some phishing malware. Plus with my 5 year-old starting to browse the internet having a way of limiting some traffic is very useful.

    But you do have to keep on top of the list. Which I find to be easier than keeping on top of all the computers.
