Monday, February 4, 2008

February 4

More on the murder of the Browning family, and the vigil that was held for them last night.

Someone might have thrown a child off of the Key Bridge. Or they might not have. Nobody really knows yet.

Two people were murdered at a Uno Chicago Grill in Largo right around the time the Giants scored their first touchdown.

A pizza-delivery man was beaten in Edgewood on Saturday night and is in serious condition at Shock Trauma.

The man charged with killing Finksburg video store manager Gary Hatfield was described as depressive, reclusive, weird, and bad at tying his shoes.

In the Blotter: A shooting near The Block, a lack of information about the man killed on Federal St., some former-employee aggression, and a wheelchair joyride in the halls of Perry Hall Middle School.


  1. Why would a family in a "secluded" and "upscale" neighborhood keep firearms in the home?

  2. Why not? I grew up with firearms in our home, and we lived in a secluded upscale neighborhood.

    My father was an avid hunter and target shooter.

  3. From what I've read, it sounds like the father was an avid outdoorsman. It certainly seems reasonable to think that he would've enjoyed target shooting and/or hunting.

  4. Also, my father never kept his gun cases hidden, or locked...and the shells were in boxes in the closet. I knew exactly where they were, and wonder of wonders -- I never ONCE even thought about going near them, never mind opening them or trying to use one.

    Even now, it makes me a little queasy to think of what would have happened...

    Because when I was growing up, we had rules. And MAJOR consequences if they were broken. Imagine that!

  5. I have no problem with guns, but not keeping them locked up when you have three boys aged 11, 13, and 15 in the house is a baaaad idea.

  6. Has anyone heard anything more about the person who was supposedly thrown off Key Bridge? What a bizarre story.

  7. That Bay Bridge story sounds like a rumor started by the hysteria surrounding the Alabama case.
