Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February 6

Rod J. Rosenstein today announced a seven-count federal grand jury indictment charging four Baltimore men with the murder of Carl Stanley Lackl on July 2. All four defendants are eligible for the death penalty.

Ink: Three murders this week, 16 so far this year.

Cockysville murder kid Nicholas Browning's aunt was also killed by domestic gunfire.
Like, duh: "Experts said easy access to guns was a common thread in cases where children kill their parents."

MdTA Police are preparing murder charges against Stephen Todd Nelson, 37, who police believe threw his 3-year-old son off the Key Bridge into the Patapsco River on Sunday. Nelson is reportedly in a coma after ingesting household cleaners.

"Baltimore City’s broad and complex parking ticket investigation intensifies"

Algebra Project students arrested, lectured. Teacher: arrests were part of the plan.


  1. Del. Mel Stukes has proposed minimum sentences to be served in cases of crime on MTA vehicles.

    That irrespective of the discretion of judges or juries. 'When we say no, we mean no.' As long as it's on a bus.

    I'm contemplating purchasing a decommissioned MTA bus to live in, because apparently, everywhere else in Baltimore, No means 'Go ahead, assault anyone you want.'

    How about imposing a substantive minimum sentence for all violent and property crimes ?

  2. A man defending his home on Orville Ave. in NE Balto. City from home invasion today was injured by powder burns from the offender's firearm. The offender was caught and arrested.

  3. Just a bit of nitpicking here, but that should be MdTA (Maryland Transportation Authority) Police. They're a different organization than the MTA (Mass Transit Administration) Police.

  4. According to the Examiner it could take months before the Attorney General decides whether to pursue a death sentence against the four recently indicted witness killers. Pardon me, but that is bullshit. It's an easy decision, I could make it in about five seconds. They murdered someone because he was going to testify in court, how much more serious than that does crime get! All four should die.

  5. Thanks for the correction PP!

    Yes we should totally live on buses like the Partridge Family! I call the top bunk!

    So I heard the "MTA 6" are supposed to go to court this week-- anyone care to wager what kind of 'punishments' they'll get? Or will we ever even find out, to protect the privacy of the little misguided darlings?
    I hope Sarah Kreager sues their parents for her medical bills.

    On another note, when they say "Attorney General" in the Lackl thing, they mean Mukasey, not Gansler, right?

  6. Precisely - its a federal case so USDOJ handles it, not our ambitious liberal Maryland AG.

    My money says that the MTA-6 get a slap on the wrist out of fear that a few more innocent black teens who cannot be held accountable for their actions will be forced into a life in jail.

    If only the modern incarnation of Draco could have something to do with maryland's criminal law procedure...

  7. "On another note, when they say "Attorney General" in the Lackl thing, they mean Mukasey, not Gansler, right?"

    Correct. It's a federal case, so it's Mukasey's call. I don't think that the Maryland Attorney General has anything to do with any criminal prosecutions, although I could be mistaken. I think the State Prosecutor's office is independent from the Maryland AG, but I'm not 100% certain.
