Friday, February 22, 2008

Girl Admits to Bus Beating

A 14-year-old girl admitted Thursday in juvenile court that she was "involved" in the attack on Sarah Kreager. She was sentenced to 40 hours of community service, ordered to undergo an evaluation and counseling, to attend school every day and arrive on time, not speak publicly about the incident and to write a letter of apology to Kreager. Prosecutors said Kreager's left eye may be permanently damaged.
The Sun has excerpts from ASA Alfred Guillaume's statements yesterday, names juvenile who was allegedly spit on as Nakita McDaniels.

Convicted murderer and rape suspect Charles Carroll will be released from jail this month.

Murder victims Cumberland Richardson Jr. and Murriel Chew were named, plus a man shot in the legs on Wednesday in the blotter.

The officer who shot Edward Hunt told homicide detectives he feared for his life.

In the county, Rodney Moore, one of four men accused of shooting an African immigrant for his iPod, was convicted of a gun crime.

More on the Anthony McCarthy story: the alleged victim stayed in McCarthy's home "for a few nights." According to Olesker, "McCarthy declared himself 'guilty of stupidity, and nothing more.'"

"Weeping and wailing and organ music": WYPR on the (not very enlightening) lessons learned from their series, "The Toll."

Baltimore City firefighter unions are asking a court to stop the mayor's order that firefighters must retake promotional exams following suspicions of cheating.
"Dixon said she is putting in place new security procedures for the March 15 retest, including assigned seating, new test monitors, increased standards for subject matter experts and restricted access to old tests."
Here's an idea-- how about changing the test questions?!

Jurors rejoice: the courts are closed today!


  1. Why wasn't Sarah Kreager prosecuted for assault? 6 kids gave separate accounts immediately after the incident saying that Kreager spit on them, called them n*ggers, then she punched a 14 year old girl.

    According to Fox 45, an INDEPENDENT witness on the bus backs up the kids' story.

    If they went overboard in defending against Kreager's attack, that is illegal. But Kreager should have been prosecuted for a hate crime.

  2. Uh, no. "Hate crimes" are bullshit. If she really did punch or spit anyone then she should be prosecuted for that, but the fact that she said something racist doesn't make her crime any worse. Anyways, the case was probably unprosecutable since her alleged "victim" was a thuggish piece of shit. Not a good witness.

  3. Are the other six kids and two INDEPENDENT witnesses who say the exact same thing also "thuggish pieces of shit?"

    An assault is an assault regardless of the alleged character of the victim.

    The police and State's Attorney sided with Kreager immediately in this case before the evidence was reviewed, because of her eye.

    They have egg on their faces now because there are independent people coming forward who were on that bus who support the kids' version of events.

  4. So, you're calling this 14 year old girl a thuggish piece of shit?

    Here is a quote from today's Baltimore Sun about the sweet and innocent Sarah Kreager, "She was homeless, had been charged a few months earlier with illegally selling prescription drugs to an undercover police officer, and had been sued twice in two years over money owed to a hospital and a car dealer, according to court records."

    Oh yeah, Ennis had been charged with domestic violence against Kreager less than a week prior to the incident!

  5. Define "independent." You people want us to believe a white girl went on to a bus filled with black people and just started dropping n bombs? In Baltimore?

    Further, even if she did, so you all support the mob kicking and stomping her until she had to be put into shock trauma?

    Pure genius.

  6. If you fuck with the bull, you get the horns.

    I have no problem with these racist pieces of shit receiving a little street justice.

  7. Let me just make sure I'm hearing you right. You support a group of thuggish, worthless, uneducated, pos kids stomping a girl until she's in shock trauma. And your defense is that she's "racist" and "homeless."

    Wow, what an uplifting message for inner city kids...

  8. "Independent." Fox 45 reported that there were two people on the bus, who had never met any of the people involved prior to Dec. 4, who will testify at trial that the fight unfolded the way the kids said it did. Kreager, high on something other than life, became aggressive, voiced her racial views, then spit on and punched a little girl.

    Fox 45 also had a story about how the prosecutors tried to intimidate one of these witnesses by calling him a liar. The defense tried to get the prosecutors thrown off the case for witness intimidation.

    Interesting how you seem to take the word of two drug dealing white people with extensive histories of violence, over a group of school kids all saying the same thing, and who's story is corroborate by other bus passengers.

  9. "Independent." In case you're living in fantasy in the real world, any faux outrage against black people automatically turns into white man oppression. So, if the two "independent" witnesses were black...I really don't think it's beyond imagination to think that they might lie, or might have been programmed to see white man oppression instead of what it was: a mob of kids stomping on one girl.

    All the rest is just crap. It doesn't matter. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me...right? Regardless of how vulgar the alleged words were...they don't justify a life-threatening beat down by a mob of hopped up punks. Pure and simple.

    The idea that you are somehow trying to defend the actions just go to show how programmed you also are.

  10. They weren't just called niggers. The girl was also spit on and punched by two grown adults.

    One of the two INDEPENDENT WITNESSES is as white as the driven snow. That witness confirms what all of the kids are saying.

    Also, Ennis was charged with domestic violence against Kreager just ONE WEEK prior to this thing. How do we know HE didn't bust that eye up?

    Again, I find it very interesting your strong desire to demonize these kids despite evidence that they were assaulted first.

    If the fight happened the way the sweet and innocent Ms. Kreager says it did, then the kids definitely broke the law. Problem is, all we have is her word, and all of the other facts contradict what she is saying.

  11. "If the fight happened the way the sweet and innocent Ms. Kreager says it did, then the kids definitely broke the law."

    No, the "kids" broke the law regardless of whether what they said about Sarah Kreager is true. They sent a woman to Shock Trauma, while as far as I can tell none of the assailants suffered any physical harm.

  12. "An assault is an assault regardless of the alleged character of the victim."

    True, but even if the bit about Sarah Kreager punching the kid is true, most of the witnesses to the case wrecked their credibility by beating her to a pulp. Kind of hard to prosecute a case when your witnesses proved that they have zero respect for the law.

  13. The fact of the matter is...a GROUP of people kicked and stomped ONE girl until she needed to be taken to shock trauma. There's no justice, or justification there. Period.

    The kids broke the law pure and simple...the only ones who question this are those who think it was justified to try and kill someone over the use of the n word.

    Take a step back, breathe and tell us what would have happened had a group of white people stomped a black girl to near death because the black girl spit on and called the white people some slur.

    I mean, seriously, wtf is wrong with our society?

  14. Let me get this straight, so if I'm walking down the street minding my own business, and you call me a nigger, spit in my face, then punch me in the mouth, I've broken the law if you get hurt in the ensuing fight as I defend myself from your actions???

    Also, it is very much in dispute who caused that black eye. Witnesses said she got on the bus with it bruised, and Ennis was recently locked up for beating on Kreager.

    Open your minds people. These kids are presumed innocent. Are you not interested in even hearing the evidence?

    Whether or not Kreager got hurt in this incident, or earlier from Ennis beating her up, it is completely irrelevant to the question of who instigated this ugly situation.

  15. "They weren't just called niggers. The girl was also spit on and punched by two grown adults.

    One of the two INDEPENDENT WITNESSES is as white as the driven snow. That witness confirms what all of the kids are saying."

    Which begs another question...why didn't any of the "wintesses" step in when two adults punched a kid?

    If that's what really happened...

  16. ppatin - Check the Fox 45 website. There are independent witnesses who were on the bus, who have no connection to the kids or Kreager, who say that the fight started the way the kids said it did.

  17. "Let me get this straight, so if I'm walking down the street minding my own business, and you call me a nigger, spit in my face, then punch me in the mouth, I've broken the law if you get hurt in the ensuing fight as I defend myself from your actions???"

    That's not what happened...if I do all those things, and then you and 8 of your friends continue to beat on me until I'm not're very guilty of attempted murder.

    And I'm sure you're aware of the definition of "Self-Defense" right?

    You don't believe in self said yourself you champion street justice for racists.

  18. Oakley, Fox 45 reports that one of the witnesses was in a wheelchair. Perhaps we don't need to fault him for not fighting a twenty something year old man and his wife, who were high on drugs, and clearly acting crazy.

  19. " Let me get this straight, so if I'm walking down the street minding my own business, and you call me a nigger, spit in my face, then punch me in the mouth, I've broken the law if you get hurt in the ensuing fight as I defend myself from your actions???"


    If someone spits on you & punches you then you would be justified in punching back. You would NOT be justified in ganging up on the assailant with a group of friends and beating the person who spit on you to the point where he or she ends up in the hospital.

  20. The Anthony McCarthy story is a good example of why I try to avoid contact with kids. It's very easy for sex-offender hysteria to wreck an innocent person's life.

  21. S.Oakley, this is the most telling thing you said in this whole exchange, and shows your real motivation for ignoring the facts and siding with the white folks, "So, if the two "independent" witnesses were black...I really don't think it's beyond imagination to think that they might lie."

    So because an independent witness who has no ties to any of the parties involved sides with the kids, he's probably lying if he's black.

    Did it make you feel better or worse when I pointed out that one of them is white?

  22. Concerned: No matter what the witnesses say it doesn't change the fact that none of the kids were seriously harmed, whereas Sarah Kreager ended up being hospitalized. I'm not naive, I know that Kreager was probably a bum and a loser, but that doesn't make beating her to a pulp any less wrong (unless you condone "bum-stomping").

  23. "S.Oakley, this is the most telling thing you said in this whole exchange, and shows your real motivation for ignoring the facts and siding with the white folks, "So, if the two "independent" witnesses were black...I really don't think it's beyond imagination to think that they might lie."

    That was called bait...I was hoping you'd imply I was racist for saying that...and you did. Good job.

    My point has nothing to do with the credibility of color. People are programmed to expect to see things, and thus they see things that aren't reality. We are all programmed, but the black community moreso, to constantly see white oppression. So when there is a fight between a white and black person, irrelevant of the facts...people automatically see racism.

    You go on and on about whatever, but you're conveniently disregard the points you get beat on. Like, for example, you're continued use of self-defense. According to any law, you cannot claim self-defense if you can get away. A mob of kids beating on an unconscious woman can obviously get away.

    The bottomline here is that you are defending, borderline applauding, a mob of black youth beating a white woman to a pulp. And to defend it, you wave the racism flag. Again, if a mob of white youth beat a black woman to a pulp, do you think we'd really be having discussions about motivations or intent?

  24. ppatin: I rarely agree with you on crime issues, but you're clearly the voice of reason in this thread. Thank you.

  25. Where is the evidence that a mob if kids beat anybody??? All we have, repeat, ALL WE HAVE, is her word on that.

    There is overwhelming evidence from independent sources that it did not happen the way she says it did.

    Are any of you concerned that Ennis was recently locked up for beating this woman, and now they have a lawsuit against the MTA saying she received the injuries on the bus?

    Do you even question her story at all???

  26. This case to me has disturbing parallels to the Duke Lacrosse case.

    Disturbed woman makes allegations against innocent kids. Media, police, and prosecutors instantly rush to the side of the accuser before reviewing any of the evidence in the case. As the evidence comes out, it shows that the kids are telling the truth and the disturbed young woman is lying. According to Fox 45, the prosecution tried to keep the defense from finding out about evidence that exonerates the kids, just like Mr. Nifong in the Duke Lacrosse case.

    None of us were on the bus that day. So none of us have first hand knowledge of what happened. My point is that situations like this are often much more complex and involved than they are initially portrayed in the media.

    Reasonable people should suspend judgment until they review all of the facts. The facts support the kids' claim of acting in self defense. The facts also call into question whether Troy Ennis was the person who gave her that black eye, and Kreager is just an opportunist looking to cash in.

  27. " Where is the evidence that a mob if kids beat anybody??? All we have, repeat, ALL WE HAVE, is her word on that.

    There is overwhelming evidence from independent sources that it did not happen the way she says it did."

    Uh, there are also medical records that show she had the crap beaten out of her, unless you're suggesting that she threw herself under the bus in order to fake being attacked.

  28. No, I'm saying that she had a restraining order against Ennis ONE WEEK prior to this for domestic violence. Witnesses said she had a black eye when she got on the bus. The first officer responding to the scene said her eye was already swollen shut, and he got there 4 minutes after the 911 call.

    It is very possible she already had that black eye from Ennis, and is using this incident as a way to make some cash. She has already hired a lawyer to sue MTA since her former profession of selling fraudulently obtained prescription drugs to undercover cops doesn't seem to be working out too well for her.

    Given her very recent beating at the hands of Ennis, and the fact that the witnesses support the kids and not her, isn't it reasonable to at least question the source of her injuries???

    You are all expressing a visceral reaction to a bad injury. I'm more concerned with what the evidence tells us is the cause of that injury.

    Her story simply does not hold up.

  29. Come now you're claiming it never happened. That she spit on, threw racial slur at, and punched a kid and the injuries she received were from a week before?

    She went to shock trauma...

    Didn't the kids attack the bus driver when the bus driver tried to intervene?

  30. Concerned, please make up your mind. On one hand you say you don't believe Sarak Kreager was attacked, on the other hand you say "I have no problem with these racist pieces of shit receiving a little street justice."

    Please make up your mind. Is she a liar, or was did she receive a beating that you believe was justified?

  31. "Kreager said she remains separated from her three children, all under age 5"

    Yet another person who should not be punching out kids as if they were movie tickets.

  32. All I can say is wow, Ppatin is the voice of reason today.

    Also, does anyone have any information on these kids pounding the bus driver, and if so what the extent of his/her injuries were? I'm not as familiar with that side of the story.

  33. The state has the burden of proving these kids' guilt, not the other way around. They are the ones who will have to deal with Ms. Kreager's severe credibility problems.

    By the way, she goes on trial Feb. 26 at Wabash District Court for selling fraudulently obtained prescription drugs to an undercover cop. That is unless the State decides to postpone this case again so that the defense cannot bring it up at trial in the bus case.

  34. From what I've read, the bus driver is making a Worker's Comp. Claim.

    He's making his play for money, so I wouldn't rely on his account as much as I would the other passengers on the bus who had no connection to the kids, Kreager, and who aren't looking to make money off this.

    There was no mention of the bus driver being attacked in anything I've read or seen in the news or public record.

  35. Pretty much everyone involved in this case has a credibility problem, however there are a couple facts we know for certain: the 14yo who Sarah Kreager supposedly attacked suffered zero permanent harm, and Kreager ended up in the hospital after the incident. Hmmmmm......

  36. Concerned, I suggest you check out the article "Key points of case against juveniles" from The Sun. It's easy enough to find when you run "Sarah Kreager" through Google News search. Here are some of the highlights:

    -The bus driver, Danny Williams, "would testify that Kreager's face was not injured when she boarded."

    -"Williams would testify that students on the bus "rose up en masse and joined in the fight. Students climbed over the seats and other passengers to participate in the fight.""

    -"Kreager suffered bruises, cuts and two "orbital fractures" to her left eye, which was swollen shut. She also was bleeding from her eye, face and head."

    Are you seriously going to claim that Sarah Kreager was bleeding from a domestic incident that occured earlier in the week? If she really did punch a 14-year old then a mild ass-kicking would have been in order for her, but whatever happened went way beyond that.

  37. I just wonder how different this case would have been if only the girl Kreager allegedly spit on and hit had responded as opposed to the whole bunch.

  38. Given the way this thread will go, concerned will probably comment that Google News is racist for the article it found concerning the key arguments the prosecution tends to make in the case. Concerned will then argue that since Google News is facing drug charges, that the veracity of its links will be in doubt.

    Sorry, concerned. No one else seems to be pushing this "independent witness" story, and the one girl who effectively plead guilty throws a doubt into the defense argument that it was started by a racial slur and spitting.

  39. Wow, all sorts of drama going on in the blogs I follow today.

    On a lighter note: Part 7 is up on the Freakonomics blog! For anyone else that's become a bit of an addict to this series:

  40. I SO don't want to get involved here, but... I went back and re-read all Fox's stories on this case-- I found six, and did not find one that references an independent witness on the bus backing up the kids' story. If anyone has a link to that story please post it.

  41. That doesn't suprise me C love. A group of 14 & 15 year old black middle schoolers (who should be in high school) beat the crap out of white woman and now you and other apologize are falling over themselves to defend these waste. Let's forget the bus driver has always supported the first version of the events, because now "new" witneses are coming forward.

    If this is how the city is trying to improve itself by defending the indefensible, than the city will continue to be the biggest shit hole on the east coast.

  42. They are not "new" witnesses. See the video piece on Fox 45 from last week. The police interviewed them. They were on the bus. Absolutely no ax to grind.

    But of course the sweet and innocent Ms. Kreager is to be believed over these witnesses as well.

    It's not who ends up hurt, it's who engaged in the unlawful conduct that started this event.

    And shame on this blog for publishing the name of a 14 year old girl who has yet to even stand trial on these charges.

    Truly disgusting.

  43. "It's not who ends up hurt, it's who engaged in the unlawful conduct that started this event."

    Based on each of your statements here, I get the sense that you think the students attack on Mrs. Kreager was justified if she did indeed spit on and punch that 14 year old. Is that true?

    "And shame on this blog for publishing the name of a 14 year old girl who has yet to even stand trial on these charges.

    Truly disgusting."

    Just a side note - I find it amusing that you would advocate a street justice platform, and have the audacity of claiming the moral high road on this blog over a published name.

    The sense I get in this case is that the attorney issued statements to the press and as a result was given permission to publish her client's name. If that's the case, then you may wish to take your soapbox elsewhere. Perhaps you should start with the good people of The Sun, who posted the name in the first place. I'm sure that your stances on crime and justice would be quite appreciated there.

  44. If there's a story on Fox with an independent witness (as in, not somebody's mom), cut and paste a link. I have gone through every story they have on their site about the beating and did not find a single quote to that effect.

    As for naming Nakita McDaniels, not publishing the names of minors is courtesy, not law: the Supreme Court has long held that the media and public have a First Amendment right to access criminal trials, which overrides any state interest in protecting minors.

    Matthews filed public charges against Kreager about a month ago and her attorneys have also made statements to the press using her name. Not the actions of someone endeavoring to protect their privacy.

  45. I guess this is where we're at with racial tolerance in the City these days.

    Two white ADULTS call a 14 YEAR OLD SCHOOL GIRL a nigger, spit on her, then punch her in her mouth.

    We'll allow the little girl to defend herself, just be very careful not to hurt the nice white lady in the process, otherwise, we'll prosecute the little girl and her other little middle-school friends.

    It shames me that this is the view of many in our city.

    Even more loathsome is everyone's DESIRE to believe the white adult over the black children so badly before any of the evidence has even been presented at trial.

    And why? Because the nice white lady ended up getting hurt in the incident.

    Never mind that the white lady punched a little girl in her face, which also COULD have damaged this girl. Not to mention the humiliation she inflicted by calling her a nigger and spitting in her face.

    Think about that for a second. Being on your school bus at 14, and having two grown adults call you a nigger and spit in your face.

    It's unfortunate the white adult got hurt. Maybe the State will be able to show that it was because one or more of the children acted illegally. Maybe she was just caught by a good shot while the children were defending themselves from the assault. Or maybe the injury was preexisting from when her "husband" was arrested for beating her up just one week prior.

    Personally, I'm going to reserve judgment on how that lady's eye got busted up until the trial happens. One thing I do know, if the white adult did spit on a little school girl, called her a nigger, and then punched her in her mouth, that kid had every right to defend herself, and her friends had every right to come to her defense as well.

  46. "I guess this is where we're at with racial tolerance in the City these days."

    Because we're unwilling to accept the word of a bunch of teenagers who pounded this woman?

    "Two white ADULTS call a 14 YEAR OLD SCHOOL GIRL a nigger, spit on her, then punch her in her mouth.

    We'll allow the little girl to defend herself, just be very careful not to hurt the nice white lady in the process, otherwise, we'll prosecute the little girl and her other little middle-school friends."

    In this case, race is absolutely irrelevant. If it had been a black woman who had called the little girl a (use any offensive statement your heart desires here) and hit her and this response had been the same thing I would personally be just as suspicious of the child's words. In this case, you seem to be the one crying racism, not us.

    "It shames me that this is the view of many in our city."

    I would say the same thing to you in light of how defensive you are in this case.

    "Even more loathsome is everyone's DESIRE to believe the white adult over the black children so badly before any of the evidence has even been presented at trial."

    As opposed to your assumption that she had it coming?

    "And why? Because the nice white lady ended up getting hurt in the incident."

    Let's see: Blurred and possibly permanent vision which hadn't come close to healing as of friday? This was hardly a punch in the face, and the fact that you're so willing to diminish the extent of the injury speaks volumes.

    "Never mind that the white lady punched a little girl in her face, which also COULD have damaged this girl."

    If she has a degree of injury, I'm all about her being held accountable. The evidence so far doesn't indicate that.

    "Not to mention the humiliation she inflicted by calling her a nigger and spitting in her face."

    Which absolutely justifies her catching an ass whipping of that magnitude by nearly a dozen kids... please forgive my inability to sympathize with the youths.

    "Think about that for a second. Being on your school bus at 14, and having two grown adults call you a nigger and spit in your face."

    I'm a

    "It's unfortunate the white adult got hurt. Maybe the State will be able to show that it was because one or more of the children acted illegally."

    If it had been a black child of the same age would you be saying the same thing? Would you be so quick to defend the kids for allegedly damaging her eyes and pounding her? The difference between you and many of us is that we would be.

    "Maybe she was just caught by a good shot while the children were defending themselves from the assault. Or maybe the injury was preexisting from when her "husband" was arrested for beating her up just one week prior.

    Personally, I'm going to reserve judgment on how that lady's eye got busted up until the trial happens."

    Sorry, it sounds like you've already reached your conclusion on this matter.

    "One thing I do know, if the white adult did spit on a little school girl, called her a nigger, and then punched her in her mouth, that kid had every right to defend herself, and her friends had every right to come to her defense as well."

    So essentially, you're advocating mob style violence. Good to know where you stand. It absolutely frightens me that this mentality exists in the city.

  47. So there's no "independent witness" story or video, then.

  48. But a statement of facts read by prosecutors and agreed to by the eighth-grader who admitted her role in the attack contained no reference to spitting or any racial remarks made by Kreager or her boyfriend, Troy Ennis, who also was on the bus.

    "The bus driver, Danny Williams, would testify that nearly all of the students on the bus rose up en masse and joined in the fight," Assistant State's Attorney Alfred Guillaume said in court. "Students climbed over seats and other passengers to participate in the fight. Ms. Kreager and Mr. Ennis were swarmed by numerous students."

    Okay, so, we're done with this, right? The girls admits what happened, and there apparently are no "independent witnesses." Ta-dah!

    AND, according to the girl's own attorney: ""But you can't use excessive force in retaliation to an initial assault," Tarud said, explaining why his client admitted her role in court. "You can respond with no more force than is necessary to protect yourself."

    So EVEN IF the girl was spit on, insulted, etc, well, see above.

  49. A statement of facts is a police report read into the record when a defendant reaches a plea agreement.

    The fact a kid took a plea to get community service rather than continue a several week long trial proves absolutely nothing.

    Interesting that our wonderful State's Attorney's Office postponed a case against Sarah Kreager this week for selling illegal prescription drugs.

    This, of course, means that the defense attorneys cannot impeach Ms. Kreager with this conviction at trial.

    Can they stack the deck any more against these young kids?

    Is anyone interested in what actually occurred on that bus?

  50. And Sean, wait for the trial to see what the witnesses actually have to say.

    Unless of course you're a close-minded person like many of the people who comment on this blog.

    These folks have no problem with two grown adults, high on heroin, boarding a school MTA bus, then calling a 14 year old school girl a nigger, spitting in her face, and punching her in the mouth.

    Fellow citizens of Baltimore, please remember these are CHILDREN. Confronted with disgusting racial language and attacked.

    They certainly have the right to defend themselves.

  51. Isn't it interesting that we're such bad people - such terrible, horrid, vile, racist bastards. Yet somehow you can't be convinced to continue posting your diatribes?

    Here we go again (now with added bold!):

    The fact a kid took a plea to get community service rather than continue a several week long trial proves absolutely nothing.

    Keep it in mind that it doesn't prove your theory either.

    Interesting that our wonderful State's Attorney's Office postponed a case against Sarah Kreager this week for selling illegal prescription drugs.

    Unless she tried selling it to those kids, which led to your allegations, that proves absolutely nothing in this case.

    No one alleges that Kreager was a saint, but the fact that you're delving that deeply into her records tells me you're desperate to find info to prove your theory. A shame that there hasn't been any so far.

    Is anyone interested in what actually occurred on that bus?

    Are you at all interested in telling the truth? Because so far you've shown yourself to have nothing but rationalization for mob violence.

    And Sean, wait for the trial to see what the witnesses actually have to say.

    Unless of course you're a close-minded person like many of the people who comment on this blog.

    As opposed to you, the saintly, open-minded person who, by my count, has done the following:

    1) Alleged racism without any evidence of the allegations, and to my record, has fabricated links to prove their innocence;
    2) Has concluded that Kreager has actually committed a crime although there's no evidence of it;
    3) Brought in cases irrelevant to the occurrences on the bus;
    4) And insulted the lot of us to boot.

    Yes, you're a real beacon for the rest of us to follow.

    These folks have no problem with two grown adults, high on heroin, boarding a school MTA bus, then calling a 14 year old school girl a nigger, spitting in her face, and punching her in the mouth.

    What ever happened to letting the evidence come out in the trial? Oh yeah, you have none. Thanks.

    Fellow citizens of Baltimore, please remember these are CHILDREN. Confronted with disgusting racial language and attacked.

    They certainly have the right to defend themselves.

    Oops, there you go again on your soapbox.

    WAKE UP. All of us agreed that if Kreager punched her she deserved to go to court for it, yet you haven't spoken to that. All you've done is resort to fabricated truth, advocate mob violence, and insult us. If that is all you have to bring to this discussion you are doing not only yourself and those students a disservice, but you are wasting our precious time as well by reading it.


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