Thursday, February 21, 2008

Middle East Murder

A man was shot to death last night in the Middle East. (The Sun has the murder at 1100 N. Chester, other reports say the 100 block.)

25-year-old John Linton, who admitted watching an associate push an 18-year-old Abdul Rahim Azzie into the Patapsco River in South Baltimore and "then fatally beat him in the head with a stick as the victim tried to stay afloat" pleaded guilty Tuesday to assault and conspiracy to commit assault.

Sun: legislators are hard at work on bad jokes, dumb laws and cake.
They do other stuff too, though, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee is working to abolish drug-sentencing minimums, and today they're talking about a few other things.

What's the opposite of sex with a 14-year-old?
Whatever it might be, that's what the DC police stand for.

Questions to ponder, from my new favorite blog: "Why Aren't There More Old Criminals?"

1 comment:

  1. Why the declning Age-Crime curve ?

    Well, among other things, sentencing is kinda cumulative.

    First, you get a pass 'cause you're too young.

    Then its 'cause it's your first offense.

    Then, you get parole early because you're 'basically a good kid gone wrong'.

    Then the judges strt referring to you as a repeat offender.

    Then a career criminal.

    And THEN you decide it's time to go straight-ish.

    And Lisa Gladden's bill to eliminate mandatory minimum sentencing just makes it worse.
