Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 13

What's Fred's secret? Says the Ink, "the city has had almost half as many homicides as it did at this time last year."

A teenager shot in the stomach Monday, a man shot in the leg Tuesday.

A nurse who had contact with Bryanna Harris as an infant took it upon herself to visit the family about 30 times and bring diapers and formula.
WTF?! Now, "prior to a birth, a nurse who has concerns about the future safety of an infant will be able to alert Social Services." They couldn't do that before?!

Somebody stoledid a ambalance! It was "last seen on I-495 heading into Virginia with its lights and sirens on." Whoo whoo!

Hey, Annie Linskey is back! Today finds our intrepid reporter reporting on watchers watching the watchmen.

Baltimore on the global scene! The cop v. skateboarder clip made CNN's "American Morning," (and is the fifth most-watched video of the day) and the BBC asked some choice Baltimore voters which candidates they prefer.
(thanks Simon)

County police are looking for a blurry burglary suspect.

In Towson, a man whose pit bull mauled two children got probation.

Hagtown: "Fists Swing At MD Trooper Child Porn Sentencing"


  1. And they've announced that Marc Steiner is going to be replaced with...

    Dan Rodricks. WTF!

  2. ... I initially had a response that involved the phrase "self-absorbed ramblings in your earhole," but deleted it in an effort to be less of a crank.

  3. They canned Steiner because he was too Baltimore centric, and decide to go with the ramblings of a Baltimore Fanboy?

    Having once sat through about 10 min of the Rodericks tv show (My sister made us watch a tape as he read her letter), I was amazed by the lack of material he covered. When he did try to do substance he basically read the Baltimore Sun on the air. If I was interested in what the Sun had I'd read the paper, not watch/listen to Rodericks read the paper.

  4. Better start checking the vacants.

  5. the skater-cop altercation video made it to cnn.

  6. That video made me wonder if it's some sort of BPD requirement that their officers be overweight. Non-fat cops seem to be a rarity in this city.

  7. We'd had another assault by a group of juveniles on campus here. There's an alert out here: ; in an e-mail they sent us it says that the latest assault was Feb 11th in the 100 block of N. Paca and they took 5 juveniles into custody for that. Fun times here on campus! At least we have our own PD, separate from the BCPD.

  8. Forget Dan Rodricks - they just gave me one more reason to listen to 105.7 talk. If I have to ever read one more condescending piece by him I think I will be nauseous. They should've put Gregory Kane on the air instead.

    My personal thought - we should host a talk show on WYPR: Baltimore Crime talk... We'd probably anger more listeners.

  9. If you want Baltimore Crime Talk there's always the Ed Norris show. Anna Ditkoff is on there every week, and I believe The Cybrarian has been on there a few times as well.
