Sunday, February 24, 2008


Friday, Governor Martin O'Malley announced yesterday a coordinated federal state and local crime fighting effort ... for Annapolis!

Baltimore City Solicitor George A. Nilson: we want more work!

The MD senate has made it a misdemeanor for educators, human services workers, police officers or health care practitioners who have reason to believe a child has been abused to not report the evidence to authorities.

Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin are still against Rod Rosenstein's judgeship. It's a cautionary tale: learn to do a job well, then you'll get stuck with it forever!

What the?! Educators complain of truant preschoolers.

Billy Murphy on Billy Murphy: defending a real Clay Davis would be "in the seven-figure range."


  1. Educators complain of truant preschoolers.

    Uh. Can you even be truant if you're pre school?
