Thursday, March 20, 2008

March 20

Curse you, Bealefeld, and your almost crime-free news days. Fortunately, I forgot to link to the Ink yesterday, so you murder junkies can get your fix with five homicides over the past week. Of particular interest to those of you who love to bandy about accusations of racism, a black man and a white man were shot outside the convenience store on Garrison Blvd. last Saturday, but only the black man died. Conspiracy???

Nicholas Browning kills like a man, but will he get tried like a little boy?

MTA regulars say our buses are hardly safe and reliable. "Sometimes kids get on the bus and your heart is pounding. ... You better keep quiet or you're going to get slammed. You pray to get off safe."

You gotta love a city where a burglary at "Tiffany Hair & Gift Shop" results in 30 stolen cartons of cigarettes. Next time I need some tequila, I'm hitting my local barber shop.

Now why in the world would Mayor Moyer think a curfew could be enforced when the current laws aren't adequately enforced? (All sarcasm aside, I'm actually glad to see she's looking at possible ways to curtail violence in her city's public housing. Besides, the quotes from the article suggest she's not a total imbecile. Thoughts?)

Actually, Mayor Moyer might want to consider building on this strategy: "An Annapolis man went to the hospital early Tuesday morning after trying twice to buy drugs in different areas and getting beaten up both times."

Carroll County school board cracker Jeffrey Morse used a naughty word. To his credit, he took full responsibility. To the Sun's discredit, this article got about 10 times more words than most murder victims get. (And to the Sun's credit, they've gotten much more thorough in their coverage since we've stopped killing each other so often.)

In really cool news that has nothing to do with crime, a 290-pound baby boy was born at the zoo last night.


  1. Glad to hear that they're doing something in Annapolis, but gun buybacks are pointless. It's not like hoodlums are going to voluntarily disarm.

  2. The big misunderstanding about gun buybacks is the hypothesis that if we have X(p) guns in Baltimore and we buy Y of them, we'll only have (X(p)-Y) on the street.

    In fact, as long as local hoodlums are willing to pay up to price p, the out-of-state owners of handguns, frequently gangs, will continue to import them until a glut of imports I(p) reduces market price to p'< p, where p'< c' the landed cost of smuggling them.

    The solution is to reduce the number of shooters, not the number of handguns. Unless you're foolish enough to think you can control your borders.

  3. FYI, former police commissioner Kevin Clark has been given the Court's ok to proceed with his suit to be reinstated as Commissioner.

  4. Crime information for Annapolis and Baltimore is available at . They even will send you e-mail reports of crime in your neighborhood...for free!

  5. i just met marlo, carver, and omar at a signing up here in new york! i was pretty excited, but for some reason i couldn't match the tears of the girls behind me. awesome day none-the-less.

  6. Nicholas Browning is a good example of why there shouldn't be an age limit for capital punishment.

  7. Damn Patin, isn't that a bit harsh? Obviously this boy has a some major problems, and he's only 16 years old. Do you really feel comfortable sentencing a (likely) mentally ill adolescent boy to death?

    Whether he should be tried as an adult is an entirely different matter. If he goes back to juvie, they lose jurisdiction when he turns 21. The hearing to decide this issue will be the most crucial in the entire case.

  8. The guy slaughtered his entire family! Clearly he'll never be able to be released into society again, so we might as well put him down like a rabid dog, rather than keeping him caged up for the next six decades.

  9. Come on ppatin, have a heart and show a little compassion, Nicholas is an orphan.
