Friday, March 7, 2008

March 7

A domestic murder/suicide Wednesday night in the city, fortunately the kids didn't see it. (There's no Applegate Road in the city, there's an Applegate Court in the County)
Correction: Irwin at the Sun says it's Atholgate Lane and that the couple were found yesterday, not Wednesday.

Bus-beating boyfriend Troy Ennis: no spitting, no slur.
Unidentified victim
The identity of murder victim #21 remains unknown, and police have released a spooky sketch, right.

Police are "seeking a gunman who opened fire in a Northwest Baltimore convenience store yesterday, grazing a girl and an employee."

A bad week for the PD! Two city officers are in hot water, one for debt card fraud, the other for an armed confrontation with his ex's husband... add that to the two police brutality suits filed last Friday.

Down at the Federal Courthouse: 11 indicted for running a drug-mule conspiracy; 7 1/2 years for a guy who stashed a stolen handgun in a vending machine; a guilty plea on a gun charge from an aging Pagan.

A skeleton found in Emmitsburg may belong to missing Deysi M. Benitez.

"Minnesota bars thwart smoking ban by declaring everyone an actor"
Meanwhile bartenders at Frazier's and Zissimo's are grousing that police are targeting their patrons.


  1. Why does the Police Chief need a security detail? I really don't think that there are hoodlums who want to pop a cap in Fred Bealefeld's ass.

  2. I think that Scott Shellenberger is my favorite elected official in Maryland (although it's not like there's much competition...)

    "Baltimore County State's Attorney Scott D. Shellenberger, one of few to testify against the repeal and the creation of a commission, told senators that getting rid of the death penalty will eliminate neither the drawn-out legal process nor the millions of dollars now spent on capital cases.

    As proof, he mentioned the former UMBC student who was spared the death penalty and sentenced to life without parole last year for the murder and rape of a woman he met online.

    Twenty-eight days after a jury spared John C. Gaumer's life, his attorneys filed the first of what Shellenberger said would be many appeals.

    "Because as long as he stays in jail," the prosecutor said, "he's going to want out.""

  3. It doesn't matter - it isn't like people in Baltimore would ever give capital punishment to someone here anyway. They already say "They're locking up our babies" and excuse enough criminals...

    Mandatory minimum sentencing seems to be the way to go, along with all the facilities and personnel needed to keep these people in check. Let the legislature worry about getting the money for jails and guards.

  4. The Sun slams the season finale of "The Wire."
    It doesn't give away any plot points, it's just 580 words of bellyaching to make sure you don't get too excited.
    It must make The Sun look really bad!

  5. Finally some light shed in the bus case.

    It looks like this should have been a one defendant case.

    Turns out one of the boys Ennis identified, wasn't even on the bus that day.

  6. mjb:

    I actually think that the Sun's review is reasonably fair. I know that I need to watch what I say, but I think their criticisms are valid. Parts of the finale are great, but overall it leaves you with a feeling of "this could have been much better."
