Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"Please refrain from eye-fucking me"

Helpful hints for Pigtown drug dealers from Anger Hangover.


  1. Letter to the editor by Anna Sowers in today's Sun:

    Get gang members off streets forever

    If the allegations against them prove true, the 28 people indicted last week are precisely the sorts who have made it a fashion trend for young hoodlums to stalk and attack innocent citizens in our city's neighborhoods ("Inquiry targets Md. gang," Feb. 26).

    The charges go far beyond everyday drug crimes.

    Just to become a member of this disgusting group, young recruits must prove their worthiness by committing a violent crime - and not just on rival gang members.

    Carjackings, brutal robberies, killings, witness intimidation, you name it: These gang members seem to embrace it all as some perverse badge of honor.

    I believe this twisted way of life now rules our streets. I believe it goes beyond drug gangs.

    I believe the four young men who nearly beat my husband to death last June felt a thrill and took pride in this demonic "code" when they embarked on the hideous adventure that has ruined my life - and virtually ended that of my husband.

    People like this have made citizens' lives a living hell for long enough.

    I implore the federal and local officials to go the distance with this prosecution.

    Make the charges stick. Arrest the rest of their foul network.

    Let's get them off our streets forever.

    Anna Sowers

  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The solution to crime is punishment. Not rehabilitation, not education, but brutal punishment that leaves no doubt that society won't accept thuggishness and hoodlumery. All murderers should get death, rapists should be castrated, and other violent criminals should be flogged and sent to prison for decades. Do not try to understand "why" criminals commit their crimes, just make them suffer for what they did. We could solve our crime problem tomorrow if we wanted to, but our society is too pussified to do what's needed.
