Sunday, March 2, 2008


TDR's Steve Lash: Two separate police brutality lawsuits were filed in the city last Wednesday. Anthony Carter claims he was handcuffed and beaten, then arrested for filing a false police report when he complained. Mark Antonio Craddock claims police broke his elbow and strained his shoulder while roughing him up at the Rent-a-Center.

Blotter: A man was robbed in Hampden's Roosevelt park, an unnamed man is wanted for beating a woman with a chair.

Two Baltimoreans, Rodney Terry and Michael Lawson, were arrested for a home invasion in Delaware, a third suspect, Jessie Gay, was found shot to death the next day.

"Are you a cop? Cause you have to tell me if you are... " Baltimorean Jameel Abdul Pittman, 27, is being held on $250,000 bail after allegedly attempting to sell crack cocaine and heroin to an undercover Westminster police officer in the Village Shopping Center.

Daniel Laurey, 31, got more than 21 federal years for crack dealings.

Attempted armed sodomite Brian Lee Gould of Brooklyn got two years for failing to register as a sex offender. He was originally arrested in D.C.

A federal jury convicted Robin Neil Snyder, age 55, of Pikesville and Mortgage Bankers, Ltd. Friday of 13 counts of wire fraud, money laundering and obstructing justice in a scheme to defraud commercial loan applicants.

Yike, are the plasticized bodies on display at the Science Center the corpses of former Chinese political prisoners?!
UPDATE: Lucid assures us that they are not.


  1. Has everyone seen ep. 9 of the Wire by now? Lots of things I want to say, but I don't want to give away spoilers.

  2. NO NO NO. Body Worlds 2 is on display at the science center. This exhibition is one of four by the original artist/inventor of the special processing method. BODIES is a knock-off that obtains its cadavers from the unclaimed dead in China. The original "Body Worlds" exhibits receive all their specimens from willed donation.

    I refused to see BODIES because of these facts but go see Body Worlds! Amazing!

  3. P.S. You can check out the Body Worlds website for more info:

  4. ppatin,

    My husband stayed up until midnight specifically to go get the advanced viewing of the final episode from On Demand. Alas, they've withheld this one and we'll have to watch the finale with everyone else on Sunday. We're caught up through #9. Craziness! Is the final episode 2 hours? I can't see how they're going to wrap EVERYTHING up in 1 hour.

  5. Well, I've seen it, and the world revolves around me, so... and speaking of me, where's my bag of pork rinds for predicting Omar's demise?

    So did anyone else think the Snoop scene was very out of character? No struggle at all?

  6. When has Snoop ever struggled? She had a very fatalistic view of The Game and her role in it. She yelled at Michael anytime he asked "why" so it makes sense she would see this as simply "her time."

  7. The last episode will be an hour and a half long. It's a pity that this season was cut down to ten episodes.

    As for the Snoop thing, I think that she realized that it was game over when she had a gun pulled on her, and there wasn't like there was much she could do to fight. What did seem out of character was the half-assed BS that she fed Michael trying to get him to come with her. No way he was dumb enough to buy into her story. Maybe Chris was the brains behind their little killing operation.

    Strangely enough, I actually felt a tiny bit bad for Snoop right before she got popped. She was one of the most evil characters I've ever seen on a TV show, but her expression at the end, and the way she carried herself kind of reminded me of how Stringer Bell went down. He was a nasty guy as well, but at least he died like a man.

    Also, Marlo is finished no matter what. If the case against him collapses Chris will still go down, the murder charge against him doesn't depend on the rogue wiretap. With no Snoop or Chris as muscle Marlo's enemies will tear him apart. Not to mention he doesn't trust his own people as a result of what he heard about Omar. I guess that guy got his revenge in the end after all.

  8. Hm, good call with the plot there, PP. And Levy will buy himself a large boat!

    I still don't buy that given Michael's known skittishness and all that time he took yackity-yacking she wouldn't have tried to go for his gun or draw one of her own. Or that she wouldn't have been suspicious or on guard when he told her to pull over. Even someone fatalistic has a sense of self-preservation, you'd think.

    What I've also never bought is McDaniel's relationship with the prosecutor lady. The have zero chemistry.

    BTW doesn't McDaniels remind you of Kip on "Futurama"?

  9. I am also starting to think that maybe McNulty's illegal wiretap won't blow up in his face quite as spectacularly as some people think, and it may be Bill Rawls who saves his ass. Think about it, the Hamsterdam fiasco happened while Rawls was deputy ops, and now there's this wiretap mess while he's commisioner. If that comes out then Carcetti will mostly likely shitcan Rawls immediately. Hell, it's in Carcetti's interest to keep this quiet as well, assuming he does somehow find out.

  10. I still say the Snoop thing is perfectly in character. Just to be a little argumentative. :)

    The whole "deal" with Snoop - and why her character was so chilling - was that she was so indifferent to the lives she took. We knew Chris was the brains of the operation (recall back to the "walk up and ask him something about Baltimore" scene). But that scene also showed us how little sense of self she had - she had ZERO interest outside of killing. She was so indifferent to life she was indifferent on some level to her own life.

    But yeah, lame that she thought Michael wouldn't catch on, even if she wasn't the "brains" of the operation.

  11. So after all of those murders, who Snoop was really trying to kill all along was ... Snoop
