Friday, April 11, 2008

April 11

Blotters like this one are what make me pissed at the Sun. I will grudgingly accept that three shootings and an armed robbery get stuck in the Blotter, but when a woman gets attacked and raped at her home in Parkville and the story is stuck between a stolen GPS and some stolen power tools, well... somebody at the Sun needs to pull their head out of their ass, post haste.

Well, at least one shooting was deserving of its very own story in the Sun.

A man was stabbed at the Whores You Came in On bar in Fell's Point.
... and WBAL now has a Web cast! The future is now! (Thanks Winston--MJB)

Apparently, it's Jolita's fault that she got attacked, because she lacked the skills to defuse the situation. Maybe next, we can blame it on what she was wearing. The good news is that our fearless leaders "will be working to provide students with anger management resources they need..."

Of course, the school system will never admit that maybe there's a serious problem going on. Maybe they should talk to Yvette Brebnor, who was repeatedly attacked by a fourth-grader. The good news is that our recent cases of school violence are getting some national coverage, so maybe someone will be humiliated into making some meaningful changes. (Start holding your breath... now.)

The guy who got shot by police on Wednesday night ain't doing so hot. Meanwhile, the men and women of the BPD are pretty effective with their firearms.

One of the boys who was "accidentally" shot by a HoCo cop in Jessup claims the cop accidentally shot them twice.

There's a $5,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest of Bryan Adams' killer.

Shaggy Taylor got life + 20 for killing Joseph Miller over some gang graffiti. Like a good little doo-bee, Taylor wore his gang colors to trial.

Octavius Savage was found guilty of killing his 64-year-old roommate and chopping the body in half.

Yesterday, Christopher Harryman got 17.5 years for being part of the Remington Mob.

The NY livery cab driver who dropped baby Daniella at a fire station is free if he can behave for six months. Daniella is the daughter of a teenage runaway from Baltimore, and the cab driver conspired with the teenage girl's aunt on how to get rid of the baby.

Why do we put up with this kind of poo from our leaders? Stop behaving like a petulant child, Conaway, and do your freaking job.


  1. The schools thing makes me want to scream. Students who attack teachers don't need anger management skills, they need to get their asses beaten hard enough that they won't be able to sit down for a week. The knowledge that punishment for misbehavior will be swift and severe is the best for of anger management.

  2. Jenna Bush and her future husband will be moving to Federal Hill. Hubby will be working at (surprise surprise) Constellation Energy.

  3. Stabbing last night at the Fell Point Bar Horse You Came in On. See WBAL report
    Not reported elsewere.

  4. I think we should let Baltimore students have a Battle Royale (if you don't know what that is, google it).

    Jenna will surely enjoy the multitude of drinking establishments that Fed Hill has to offer.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. that guy who killed someone over graffiti is one dumb man! why would you kill someone then ruin your life aswell!! haha yea hes a real smart "gangsta"...ide love to see a mugshot of this bozo and his tatooed tear...

  7. Is it Fed Hill Jenna Bush is moving to? The Sun article does not name a neighborhood, per se, does say

    "if you take away the presidential link, the newlyweds would be just another couple of young professionals who have chosen the neighborhood for their first house. Close to the stadiums, nightlife and, increasingly, trendy boutiques, it has a younger vibe than nearby Federal Hill, and with more remnants of a less gentrified, Formstone-clad past."

  8. I guess it's the next best thing to sending Jenna to Iraq!

  9. This is the last straw. Crime ridden city, horrible school system, wonderful injustice system, ridiculous taxes and now a Bush in town. I can't take it. I'm moving to Detroit.

  10. I really hope that Jenna's husband gets mugged (not physically harmed mind you, just help up for his wallet.) That guy looks like a stereotypical ex-frat boy douchebag (to steal Chuck's term).

  11. In case you care, Jenna & dude are moving to 1345 S. Charles St., kind of on the south border of Federal Hill, I guess.

  12. If the Secret Service screws up traffic in Federal Hill I will be pissed.

  13. I really hope that Jenna's husband gets mugged (not physically harmed mind you, just help up for his wallet.)

    Yeah, I bet he's one of those "Late Night Shots" douchebags who complain about the number of Ethiopian immigrants in Adams Morgan.

  14. Wow. Seriously. Is all this really called for? I'd really hate to know what you'd all assume about me if my father was someone famous that you disliked. Seriously people, pretty uncalled for and beneath most of you. Petty and ridiculous.

  15. Also, just my opinion, but I don't really like that you posted their address here mjb. I know its public record and all and its not likely to stay a secret, but given that most of the news outlets haven't reported the address, I think it might be polite to follow their lead. Let her just be a 26-year-old newlywed.

  16. BTW, did anyone see Wonkette's headline about this story? "Jenna Bush And Hubby Moving To Crime City Baltimore?" Screw you you snooty DC dickwads! Baltimore may have its problems but Washington DC isn't exactly a crime-free city either. "Crime City Baltimore," grrrrr.

  17. I'd really hate to know what you'd all assume about me if my father was someone famous that you disliked.

    Actually, I dislike her because she was arrogant enough to believe that she could purchase alcohol at a bar as a minor because 1)of who she was, and 2) the Secret Service would protect her from being arrested. Sounds like douchebag-like behavior to me.

  18. ppatin,

    Relax... Wonkette goofs on everything- especially dumb rich kids who want to experience the city life without having to deal with any of the negatives.

  19. Also, just my opinion, but I don't really like that you posted their address here mjb.

    Actually, it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out their address. If you know the streets that run through Federal Hill, you can look it up on the state's DAT website.

  20. I assume that the Ropewalk will be her new favorite watering hole?

  21. I agree, I don't think publishing someone's home address is such a fab idea.
    Also, maybe I'm not crazy about the Bush family, but I really wouldn't wish a Baltimore mugging on anybody...yet I would wish a Battle Royale on unruly city high school students. Go figure.

    I'm sure her proximity to Ropewalk was the deciding factor for her.

  22. I assume that the Ropewalk will be her new favorite watering hole?

    Especially when she finds out that Ropewalk serves "W" ketchup instead of that pinko Heinz brand.

  23. Not to break the Jenna thread, but here is an example of true family values. The only thing I can say is its' not balitmore.

  24. Both of those "parents" should be forcibly sterilized.

  25. Mr. Meph,

    Jenna and Barbara Bush are certainly NOT the only underage college girls to use a fake ID. I strongly doubt she thought she could go to a bar while underage "just because of who she was." Beyond that, she's now 26, and has done any number of positive and LEGAL things. If you choose to paint her in a certain light simply because of an event during her college years - man, I'm sure most of us here are on your "douchebag" list. For many people, the word "college" could be defined as "the time in my life when I did the most number of stupid things."

    Additionally, please note that I did state that the address would be a matter of public record and would not stay secret. I still disagree with posting it on a blog - and a crime blog at that.

  26. It's already on DAT. And I doubt this blog is frequented by people who would do actual harm to Jenna and Mr. Jenna, no matter how much we despise her father.

    Get a life, Lucid.

  27. Dearest summer,

    I don't believe I inferred anything of the sort. I just said I disagreed with the politeness of it. However, I am aware that "politeness" is not an overwhelming quality attributable to the internet. Thank you for reinforcing that particular truism. I'll get back to you on that life thing.

  28. It's impolite to share public information with fellow tax-paying home owning citizens??? Whew boy, this southern girl has NEVER heard that.

    Honey, if you get so worked up over the things people say then maybe you need to get more than a life....

  29. Get worked up over things people say? Hmm, I wasn't aware I was doing that by expressing my opinion on an, admittedly, small subject. But I always try to do so politely, without namecalling, or derogatory insults or suggestions to the others here. Sadly, I can't say the same for everyone. I would venture to suggest that comments such as "get a life" are far more suggestive of "getting worked up" than anything I have ever posted. But then again, I'm just one anonymous person on the net. Thus, I humbly apologize for offending your delicate sensibilities by expressing my opinion. I guess study break is over and I should get back to renal disease. Have a good weekend folks.

  30. Ah, so you can't see the truth for yourself eh? It's ok. Your holier than thou act is rather entertaining.

  31. "Mother Was A Crip, Father Was A Westside Baller" - that's actually my favorite ballad.

  32. Meow, meow, ladies please!

    Lucid, I respect that you disagree-- Jenna's address took literally three seconds to find on so I don't think I'm spilling major classified state secrets here...

  33. Uh-oh... I think I may be in danger... I am a high school art teacher in Baltimore City and I live in the Parkville area.

  34. I have taken the liberty to straighten out those that are confused about where 1345 South Charles is located.

  35. atleast 25 shots fired outside my house last night on w lexington

  36. Very interesting article about MCAC (aka Supermax). They also have a video interview with the daughter of Irvin and Rose Bronstein, the elderly Pimlico couple who were slaughtered in their home nearly 25 years ago. John Booth, the thing that murdered them is STILL on death row after more than two decades. Makes me want to punch an anti-death penalty advocate in the face.

  37. Great quote:

    "Her husband, Richard Spicknall, had never been held at Supermax. But the man who killed him inside a Jessup prison in 2006 is there. Lawrence Joseph Lannin had previously been convicted twice of first-degree murder and given a sentence of life without parole.

    He pleaded guilty last year to strangling Richard Spicknall in December 2006 and was given a third life-without-parole sentence. "I want to shake his hand," Fields said.""


  38. bmore,

    Here's the Sun article about the shooting that you heard last night.,0,6426288.story
