Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April 16

Hot diggity damn. Only one new murder in the Ink (that of Anthony Izzard), and details on Yolanda Brown (who was ruled a homicide victim on 4/8). One of the other men who was shot at the same time as Izzard was apparently struck by a stray bullet while sitting in his house.

A boy was shot in the face this morning in West Baltimore.

18-year-old Charles Jakes didn't mean to kill his 14-year-old girlfriend Shawndreta, who was found lying in a bed naked from the waist down. Jakes accidentally shot himself in the thumb at the same time. Too bad he didn't accidentally shoot himself in the head. Congratulations Charlie, you are the douchebag du jour.

The burned body of an unidentified man has been ruled as a homicide, but police aren't releasing the cause of death.

Despite what the Jessup teenagers who got shot say, the cops say they only fired one shot.

PDJ: Scott Carpenter of Dundalk pleaded guilty to receiving kiddie porn. Maybe Chuckie Jakes can shoot off Carpenter's wang.

The state dropped charges against Patrick Byers so the feds could wholeheartedly nail him. Or so we hope. (Byers was indicted for killing witness Carl Lackl.)

Rapist Eugene Waller got 20 years.


  1. Baltimore has a new slogan to scrawl on the benches at bus stops:

    "I didn't Mean to Kill Shorty."

    And yes, it's another one who just got out of jail again.

  2. This reminds me of one of the best episodes that Homicide ever did. Some stupid kid kills another, but because he killed the wrong person he figures it was an accident and he isn't in any trouble.

  3. So LB says her name is "Shaundretta,"
    Sun's Nick Madigan says it's "Shawndreta" (as do the biters at the Deuce). So who pulled the big, fat, non-fact checking boner?

  4. I wouldn't be surprised if the victim's family didn't know how to spell her name.

  5. Wow PP, you have reached a new level of cold!

  6. Heh, believe it or not I wasn't trying to be snarky. I honestly wondered if the reporters called two different family members and got two different spellings. Then again, our local media couldn't figure out how to spell the name of that poor kid from the Algebra Project who had his brains blown out on 33rd street a month or two ago so maybe I'm giving them too much credit.

  7. Obviously I don't know what motivates ppatin's comment, but I've seen alternate spellings before. Different family members give different spellings of a victim's name, legal and/or medical records are inconsistent or incomplete... I don't know how common it is, but it's not impossible to have contradictory spellings for a victim's name.

  8. The AA County cop who killed a guy on 95 in a hit-and-run was indicted. No more hiding behind the thin blue line:

    This is the first time that authorities have released Hall's name in connection with the accident. Maryland State Police did not release Hall's name, redacted his name from an accident report and removed him from a daily log that contains the name of every person detained at the state police JFK barracks in Perryville.

    I hope there's an investigation into the cover-up by the MSP as well.

  9. Speaking of misspelled names, did they ever figure out who killed Zechariah Hallback?

  10. WOW..are you kidding me? wtf is this kids mom thinking about him banging a 14 yr old? maybe she didnt kno...but i doubt it...what a f*king shame, 14 yr old girl gone..and her parents warned her not to see him but she snuck out to see him as any 14 yr old girl with a crush would of done! i think im starting to lose my soul dealing with Bmore

  11. They should charge the killer in that case with rape as well, since 14 - 18 is definitely not a legal age combination. Pity there's no felony stupidity law out there, he deserves to be convicted of that just for his "I didn't mean to kill shorty" comment. What did he think would happen if he shot her in the head? That sort of thing normally only has one outcome.

  12. they reported only one shot being fired...the bullet must of hit his thumb before it hit her head...could actually be a mistake, but still, why would you be playing with a gun? maybe he was showing it off or something stupid like that..doesnt make much sense that he'de kill her in his room with his mom and other home...either way its a crazy situation...hes done for, but if it was truely a mistake then i feel somewhat bad for him...but thats a HUGEEE "if"

  13. Question for any lawyers out there: does the felony murder rule apply if a victim is killed in the course of statutory rape?

  14. I don't think so - typically, I believe the underlying felony has to be a known dangerous one, or committed in a dangerous fashion. Also, it the killing usually has to be "in furtherance" of the underlying felony. So, if he forcibly raped her at gunpoint, and the gun accidentally went off, THAT would be a better candidate for felony murder.

    Just my interpretation.

  15. According to the court docs, it's Shaundretta.
    Wonder where the Sun got their version.
    And no we never found out about Zechariah-- who killed him, anyway (I'm fairly sure "Zechariah" is the proper spelling). Said Anna Ditkoff:

    "The shooter has been described as an African-American man between 20 and 25 years old, approximately 5-foot-10 and 175 pounds. He had short cornrows and was wearing dark-colored clothes at the time of the shooting."

    Oh yeah, that guy.

  16. Sean, what you're saying makes sense. I was wondering though:

    "I don't think so - typically, I believe the underlying felony has to be a known dangerous one, or committed in a dangerous fashion."

    If he was having sex with her while holding a loaded gun I'd say that qualifies as committing a felony in a dangerous fashion. Yeah, I know I'm probably twisting the law here, but I really want that asshat to get life w/o parole.

  17. mjb:

    how do you find those documents?

  18. She's bribing the grand jury prosecutor. He's got some serious gambling issues & needs the money :)

  19. mjb:

    come on share the wealth!!!!

    come on be a buddy ol' pal...

  20. Careful for your soul, Bmore. Don't let the city steal that.

    Also careful if you're sitting in your living room watching TV. Crazy that one of the Franklin Square Three was just sitting around when BAM! bullet in his back.

  21. @tao:

    i just read your other blog page, im not sure the name but the last entry was "Dreams and Grease"...i love it bro keep it up! you really describe the feelings and emotions very well, i feel the same way on many occasions..

    Dont worry about my soul, worry about a bullet in my back! No but really im fine, i just find myself flooded with questions that will never be answered...after the triple shooting my next door neighbor screams "wheres my baby! wheres my baby!" its almost 10pm and you dont know where your young child is? some questions will never be answered

  22. Speaking of letting it steal your soul, look at the gang symbol I found. Clearly indictive of criminal activity.

  23. Does anyone else find it incredibly sad that this girl was fourteen years old AND IN THE SEVENTH GRADE??!!!??

  24. @bmore, thanks for the kind words about my other blog. I've been neglecting it for a long time. I'm glad it resonated with you.

    This is a crazy town. I couldn't sleep last night, and ended up having a conversation with one of the local whores at 3:30 in the morning. Talked about being on heroin. This place is a trip.

  25. tao:

    man what are you doing out there at 3:30am? you better "bmore careful" lol..hey atleast that convo might get you a discount with her someday! lol jk
