Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 17

Tavon Smith was fatally shot yesterday afternoon in the 2900 block of Garrison Blvd. in the Northwestern.

Who needs stupid shows like CSI when you've got the Southwestern? Seriously, if the shit going on over there were in a Mark Wahlberg movie, I'd dismiss it as bad screenwriting. (Here's yesterday's article on the police shooting, and a couple of paragraphs in the Examiner.)

We're not prejudiced against either side of town, though. Last night, a dude got shot on the west side, and a dude got shot on the east side.

Are they spreading shitty sludge around poor black neighborhoods in Baltimore, or are they treating the soil with compost to help eliminate toxins and reduce risks of lead poisoning?

Cynthia McKay was convicted for killing her boyfriend and setting his body on fire. She faces 30 years. (Sun coverage.)

Tyron Montray McGowan admitted to killing Kwame Travon Johnson last month in Annapolis.

PDJ: Daddy likes to touch his teenage daughter and watch her take showers. Maybe some nice men in prison will like touching daddy and watching daddy take showers.

Rape now occurs the moment a woman says no and she is ignored, even if it's in the middle of a deed to which she's already consented.

Some Fredneck dumped the bodies of more than 70 dogs in the woods.


  1. "Rape now occurs the moment a woman says no and she is ignored, even if it's in the middle of a deed to which she's already consented."

    I apologize for being nitpicky, but that's not quite accurate. What the Court of Appeals said was:

    "We conclude that post-penetration withdrawal of consent negates initial consent for the purposes of sexual offense crimes and, when coupled with the other elements, may constitute the crime of rape,"

    Gee, that wasn't vague at all...

  2. Huh. So if I throw in a "may" and a "might" and maybe an "alleged," I could correct my original statement, right?

  3. What I got out of it was that a woman withdrawing consent and a man not immediately pulling out doesn't automatically make it rape.

  4. More top-notch ethical rectitude from the fine folks at your municipal government.

  5. Police may be experiencing gang retaliation. Certainly, this gal from Charles Village feels the gangs are the ones in control of her neighborhood.

    Meanwhile, Robert Campbell, charged with participating in the shooting of Offr. Spila, has a laundry list of priors, mostly nolle prossed, thank you.

    Among them are handgun convictions, assault, and drug-dealing.


  6. This appears to be Robert T. Campbell, btw, who was also charged with rape, and again, nolle prossed.

    In Baltimore, it's not enough to know that the notorious criminal John Dillinger did it. You have to know which of the John Dillingers, because prety much everyone here is a notorious criminal.

  7. why should one live as a prisoner in their own home? arm yourself baltimore...judged by 12 or carried by 6..or wait for the ambo to come, hopefully youll have plenty of time to sit and bleed till they arrive!

    these teens and thugs arent very brainy..they just have somthing you dont..GUNS (or knives)..its pretty DAMN clear that the courts wont lock these guys up, its pretty DAMN clear the police wont be there to help until its too late, and its also DAMN clear that if anyone sees someone shoot you they wont tell a soul...

    if you feel safe as a law abiding citizen under those conditions then more power to you...but just ask yourself whos hands is your destiny in?

  8. Why does everyone presume that CC permits will solve the problem? Just because someone spends a few hours shooting at paper targets on the range doesn't mean they're going to be able to do shit when it comes to defending themselves from a gun-totin' thug on the street.

    I don't know about laws in Detroit, Houston, St. Louis, or New Orleans, but I'm willing to bet that they are much more gun-friendly than Maryland's laws. Huh. Hasn't stopped murder there. Why do you think it'll stop it here?

    Giving permits to people with real field/combat training who can keep a cool head in extremely dangerous and stressful situations doesn't worry me. Giving them to Joe Weekend -- who goes duck hunting twice a year and shoots on the range about as often -- scares the shit out of me.

    I don't want Joe Weekend engaging in a gun battle in front of my house anymore than I want Joe Thug doing it; they're both as likely to shoot me as they are likely to shoot the guy they're aiming for.

  9. I don't know about laws in Detroit, Houston, St. Louis, or New Orleans, but I'm willing to bet that they are much more gun-friendly than Maryland's laws.

    CC is allowed in Houston as Texas has a CC law on the books. Ann Richards' vetoing of the bill in 1994 is one the reasons that George W. is president today.

  10. Chuck:

    Judging from what has happened in states where they made CC available you're correct that it won't make crime go away, but I think you're wrong to worry about morons having gunfights in front of your home. I can't cite anything specific right now, but from what I remember legalized concealed carry doesn't appear to have led to a dramatic change in crime rates. Legal CC permit holders idiotically shooting innocent people are also just about unheard of.

  11. Fair points, PP. In addition to innocent bystanders shot by CC permit holders, there's other evidence-based info I'd need to see before I could wholeheartedly support loosening the CC laws here.

    1) How often are the guns of CC holders used against them?

    2) How much training is required for CC holders?

    3) How many CC holders have successfully defended themselves (with or without firing their gun)?

    4) Do CC states have less crime against "innocent" victims? (For the sake of argument, I'm using "innocent" to describe people who are not actively involved in gangs and/or drug trade.)

    The third and fourth points are key in my mind. If there's no measurable drop in crime against innocent people, then what's the value in CC?

    For now, I will continue to walk around with a big dog. I don't need the government's blessing, it will never be taken and used against me, and the biggest threat (and it is a risk) is running into assholes with fighting dogs.

    Of course, guns don't get diarrhea on the carpet. That's a big point in their favor.

  12. The answer is that the Robert Campbells (who, by the way, previously assaulted a cop), need to be in prison, where they cannot jeopardize anyone.

    And no, I really don't care what percentage of young afro-american males in ths city go to jail. If 99% behave like animals, then 99% ought to be in prison. And the same holds for the more melanin-challenged animals around here as well.

    Young males in Baltimore should probably be incarcerated at birth.


    Flash: Oh, jeez, a kid was just stabbed at Lemmel Middle School by Mondawmin.

  13. Stabbed in the neck and back by a 15 year-old classmate.

  14. Gregory Kane has an interesting solution for dealing with our little dears in Baltimore.

    Might I suggest shipping them to siberia with a blanket and plastic spoon as well?

  15. Love that Kane.

    So is the girl who beat up Jolita Berry going to face criminal charges or what?
