Friday, April 18, 2008

April 18

The BPD doesn't have the 50 grand it needs to either exonerate Douglas Scott Arey or confirm that he's a killer.
Unidentified victim
"An unidentified man who was found dead Sunday in a new townhouse development in Middle River in eastern Baltimore County was killed in East Baltimore." There's a sketch of the victim, right.

A bunch of pending drug cases involving Sgt. Allen Adkins and Detective Deryl Turner are being dropped.

As bupe is being used more, more of it is being used illegally.

In HarCo, Samuel and Donna Merryman got 22 years each for starving their 8-year-old son to death. "... two of the couple's other children provided a look inside the family home in Whiteford -- where, they said, their brother was bound, strapped to a crib and deprived of solid food." (Examiner article.)

Kerri King got off on a HarCo driving charge that should've sent her to prison. She's still being held in the city for killing Courtney Brooks.


  1. Apparently someone was shot at Echodale and Latona in NE Baltimore, but I can't find any info on it anywhere (reported on neighborhood listserve).

  2. Sorry, shooting was supposed to have occurred last night. This comes after we were informed that shootings in NE Baltimore are down 70%.

  3. How the hell did Kerri King work as a stripper? She's gross looking enough that I'd pay her to keep her clothes on!

  4. @ Cham,
    I tried it a few years ago with Murderland. I couldn't keep up, even with just 1/3 of LA's murders. The research alone -- without even trying to canvas the neighborhoods and talk to people -- was more than I could handle while maintaining a full-time (non crime-related) job and a full-time school schedule.

    Bmore and I have talked about resuscitating the blog. Cham, if you or anyone else want to pitch in, maybe if we make it a group effort we could actually get something done.

  5. OK, it's not in Maryland, but let's hope this OK redneck gets some special treatment from a fellow rapist. Given the fact that he's a sheriff, I'm sure that he'll be somebody's bitch.

  6. Does anyone know statistics on the average arrest-to-trial date for felonies in Baltimore City? That whole carjacking thing has been postponed again and I'm just curious if I can estimate how much longer I can expect to have it hanging over my head.

  7. One of the reasons we have no money for decent police staffing: tort payouts like this. The City is self-insured, so we take it in the pocketbook.

  8. Bmore,

    Back in October. Getting to be ancient history at this point. They did catch one of the thieves (36 hours later, long, unimportant story) but the trial has kept getting pushed back. New date is in the middle of May but I am skeptical that this will be the final date given the history.

  9. Was the defendant remanded, or is he out on bail? If he's being locked up until the trial at least you know that's he's suffering through several months in the hellish city jail.

  10. lucid:

    if you dont mind my curiosity, where did it happen? and how?

  11. Ppatin - he's definitely still sitting in jail. Bail was either too high for him to make or not even offered, I don't know which. There are 8 counts associated with the carjacking and an additional drug charge related to something he had on him when they caught him. There were a slew of traffic violations too related to the pursuit when he was attempted but I think those have been dropped in favor of the numerous more important charges.

    Mind you I'm not complaining that he's sitting in jail, I really am just curious if any of the sleuths here know what the "average" wait time for a trial in Baltimore.

  12. Taotechuck: To get out there and interview the families of all the murdered people would be a massive undertaking. This was my contribution from last year, combo-ing hiking with killins. As long as the weather is nice one is able to garner a great deal of material because many people spend time outside. Come winter, getting information would be next to impossible. Remember, it is constantly 75 degrees in LA so this type of project would be more workable.

    To do the same in Baltimore it would have to be a massive group project since it would be overwhelming for even just a few people. Although, I would love to see a few of the constant complainers make the effort to see the location of a shooting and interview a family or two. One would find this is all not so cut and dried.

  13. Bmore,

    The semi-short version is that I was leaving campus (UMB) at about 1:30pm and walked to my car which was parked 2 blocks across MLK on Parkin off of Pratt (right by the B&O railroad museum) where there is free street parking. The neighborhood is actually ok and it was the middle of the day. I was dressed for a clinical preceptorship and was carrying my student white coat so my suspicion is that they (2 guys) were hanging around the hospital and chose me because they may have mistaken me for a real doctor (as a lay person frequently does not know the difference in terms of coat length). They probably thought they were going to get what they imagined a doctor might drive, rather than my 1998 Ford Escort with 110k miles. They followed me to my car (I didn't notice) and as I was getting in they ran up, brandished a knife, demanded the keys, and drove off in my car. They caught one of them 36 hours later after he attempted to drive away after a traffic stop for speeding which ended when he bailed out of the car and attempted to escape while my car t-boned a parked vehicle.

  14. bmore,

    Yeah it wasn't the most pleasant experience but with the exception of the constant continuances for the trial (and the fact that they did not catch the guy that actually had the knife), I did get a better car (lower mileage at least) courtesy of my insurance company as a result. So see, living in Baltimore can have some perks! <\sarcasm>

  15. Lucid:

    Your question about wait times may be unanswerable. I mean the police department and the state's attorneys office couldn't agree on how many outstanding warrants there are for criminals in this city, and the last time I had jury duty they didn't even have enough chairs for all the potential jurors. I would be rather surprised if anyone actually knew the answer to your question.

    FWIW, when a friend of one of my former roommates was murdered her killer's trial was postponed at least three or four times, and he ended up pleading out something like a year & a half after he was arrested. He had good old Warren Brown defending him though, so that might have been longer than usual.

  16. Oh, I almost forgot, it's always worth running the criminal's name through MD Judiciary Case Search. The information on there isn't all that revealing, but it might tell you something about what's going on with the case if the SA's office isn't being helpful.

  17. Thanks ppatin,

    I've actually been keeping tabs on things via that site (and my victims rights notifications for the SA's Office). I think you are the one that told me about it back in October. Its definitely a great resource. Thanks!

  18. Lucid,

    You might want to contact the police officer(s) who made the arrest to make sure that they are aware of the trial date. I know of several criminal cases that were either nolle prossed or stetted because the arresting officer did not appear in court. I can speak from experience... when I was a student at Towson, I was a plaintiff in a witness intimidation case. The case was eventually placed on stet as the officers did not show up for the trial... even though I witnessed these officers schedule the trial date at the court commissioner's office!

  19. I like how the "E" calls Kerri King a "Dancer"-- like she was martha Graham!

  20. Mr. Meph,

    That's definitely something to keep in mind that I probably wouldn't have though of. I still have the card for the officer that took my statement and I'll give a call at the beginning of May and follow up. The actual arrest took place in Dundalk and I have no contact info for those officers so I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed on that score.

  21. The responding officers should be indicated as Other parties in interest on CaseSearch. Reach them through Dundalk's District HQ or through the FOP.

  22. Thanks for all the details of your case, Lucid!

    These thugs were obviously hanging around Parkin looking for a good target, and your number came up, possibly because of factors you cited.

    Sounds like the arrest in your case was made by county police (tho a part of "Dundalk" is in the Southeastern District in the City).

    I believe the best way to follow what's going on with your case (which is a serious one), is to contact the Assistant State's Attorney who is handling it. There is a section of the State's Attorney's office dedicated to violent crimes.
    Again, there is no fixed period for the resolution of these cases, and defendants (with their lawyers) attempt to delay as much as they can. However, your ASA can, if you can reach him/her, update you on the case status and the quality of the evidence they have against him.
    By the way, was there any followup in your case by robbery detectives from the Southern District, before or after the arrest?

    In the meantime, I wholeheartedly agree with Bmore about these guys. Of course, one of them is still out there wandering around.

  23. Maybe I haven't been clear that I'm pretty up to date with what's going on with my case. I have to go testify once they actually have the trial, so they let me know each step of the way about postponements and such and the specifics of the case. And that's with the ASA attached to the case changing three times. I sort of assumed that all the postponements and such were par for the course (while annoying) and was just curious if there was a published statistic anywhere about the averages. :)

    In response to Buz's question, there was plenty of follow-up with the police (both Baltimore City and the UMB campus police). The day after it happened detectives from the BCPD came by and drove me to where it happened and went over the details again, and they noticed some security cameras on the apartment building at the corner of Pratt and Parkin and I know they retrieved that tape. Additionally, after they caught the guy they came by the house with photos for a lineup. And of course, when we had to go to the police impound lot and retrieve all of our personal effects from the car (so the insurance company could get it towed).

  24. Sounds like the State's Attorney's office is doing a good job in this case in keeping you in the loop. And it sounds that the detectives are doing their best to build a good case against your guy.
