Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Burglary Report from Roland Park

Hello all,
The house at 100 Woodlawn Road, on the corner of Cold Spring and Woodlawn, was burglarized yesterday afternoon at around 3 pm. Randy S. came home during the burglary, finding a person or persons in his basement. Randy was very smart and got out of the house as soon as he realized there was someone in it, and he immediately called 911.

The burglar got in by breaking the panes out of a small window into the butler’s pantry, a window that faces Cold Spring. He/they crawled through the window. They took Randy’s laptop outside and tried, without succeeding, to log into his wireless network. They brought the laptop back into the house and were in the basement when they were scared off by Randy’s return. Randy told me that nothing else was taken (not the jars of coins, any of his wife’s jewelry, their CDs or electronic equipment) and nothing was ransacked. Randy and Priya’s alarm wasn’t turned on.

A house on Ridgewood Road was broken into in the middle of the day last week and a laptop was stolen. That house had its alarm turned on and there was a small dog in the house.

Randy plans to point out the similarities between the two incidents to the police. Just in case this is a developing trend, it’d be best to avoid leaving laptops where they can be seen through a window, if at all possible.
thanks for sending, Ron


  1. took the laptop outside then brought it back in? What the?!

  2. It's that damn Johns Hopkins University. Meddling kids coming over from North East Hamden and West Charles Village, breaking into houses and testing everyone's wireless capabilities. What's next from the students in this city?

  3. hey bill mill, what wireless network are you using since i password protected dudeplex's recently?
