Wednesday, April 9, 2008

In case you moved here yesterday...

Don't leave a GPS system or an iPod in your car. Or your phone. or change. Or your school books, CDs, pens, candy wrappers, Kleenex boxes, soda cans or week-old newspapers. However, even if your car is empty and your doors are unlocked, you may well get your winder broken anyway. The system considers that vandalism, so even if by some wacky coincidence the perp is caught in the act, he'll be out of CBIF within hours. That's why smash-n-grab is such a popular low-risk, high-profit venture.
Yet, if you staked out your car and shot said vandal in the knees, you'll be the one to get sued and go to jail.
"That's why they call it the criminal justice system, it serves to benefit the criminal." -- Some cop


  1. The Columbia shooting victim has died.

  2. Here's (part of) two months' crime in Charles Village.

  3. Apparently the shooting in Columbia was close to an area with significant amounts of section 8 housing. Surprise surprise...

  4. Does anyone know what happened at School 34 today (near Carroll Park)? I was driving by and they had all the kids outside and across the street and there were at least 6 firetrucks and possibly an ambulance and it looked like maybe more firetrucks were arriving. Google has failed me at this juncture.

  5. It was at about 1pm

  6. about the colombia shooting:

    here is a law the MD should pass...if a lawful citizen is in the area of high crime or large section 8 communites (i know, i know, section 8 doesnt always mean crime...well in america it does!) he or she will be able to carry a firearm for protection...ide LOVE to see that get passed...ide drink myself into a coma and almost miss the whole damn law!

  7. My beloved almost 4-years-old 144 pound Rottie was diagnosed with cancer last week. How sad is it that--aside from the heartbreak of potentially losing a family pet--my first thought is that I don't want to live in the city without my very large dog. Hopefully the chemo will keep him around a while longer.

    Bmore, so far Rotts are not considered 'dangerous weapons', stupid attempts at breed legislation notwithstanding. Granted, you can't take your dog everywhere, but it's still an excellent deterrent at home or when you're out for a walk. Also useful for scaring the bejesus out of folks who use my very secluded street as a 'lovers lane'. Quite a few used condoms strewn about lately; it looks as if Mojo and I are going to have to take up our late-night patrols once more. On the one hand, I'm glad that someone's practicing safe sex/birth control. On the other hand, it pisses me off mightily to have to deal with their trash.

  8. Heh, just noticed I posted under my 'nom de net' rather than actually name. Sorry bmore, I chose that handle a couple of days before you started posting here. Then again, isn't imitation the best part of flattery?

  9. original:

    im so sorry to hear about your dog...i have a dog and the thought of losing him really hurts...i really hope your dog gets better and stays around as long as possible...that really really sucks..

  10. All of the village centers in columbia have section 8 housing near them. It's part of the grand inclusive Rouse plan. The idea is more you need section 8 housing the more you will need to walk to the store. Having said that, the part of the Columbia that the shooting occured in is one of the better areas.

    Given that it takes about 5 min in normal traffic to get to Howard County Hospital, the victum was not going to make it.

    BTW did I read the sun story correctly, He was 20, and 4 years ago he had a 2 year old sone who died? So at 14 he was a daddy?
