Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother's Day is May 11

An 18-year-old allegedly shot his mother last night in the head in east Baltimore. Linskey reports that at least one officer returned fire, and, amazingly, mom is alive.
There were also two other non-fatal shootings last night.


  1. that's why I don't have kids.

  2. Y'know, for a cityful of jokers who do precious little other than waving guns around, they sure have lousy aim.

    I mean, even this they do half-assed.

    Whatta town.

  3. God knows, these people are such f#@king idiots !

    This is like the scientific observation that the earth rises up to meet each apple when it ceases to be attached to a tree limb out of affection for the fruit... if Sir Isaac Newton had gone to Reginald F. Lewis High.

    Faulty logic, Baltimore art thy home.

    Poor attendance doesn't cause (sweet, innocent) kids to become shooting victims. And attending a Baltimore school is certainly not a superior strategy to avoid violence.

    What is true is that rotten, poorly-raised juveniles who are looking to be gangstas are not very inclined to turn in their French homework, nor to focus on their trigonometry quiz. Problem people will drop out first.

    It is NOT a health problem; it's a public safety problem, dummies.

    Thank goodness these hoodlums are not in the schools, adding to the problems.

    Stop with the Nanny thinking.

  4. Have y'all seen this video of a mob of teenage Baltimore females stabbing one another in broad daylight yesterday at Howard & Fayette ?

    Like I said, just put them all in lockdown when they emerge from the womb.

  5. parler de french homework, I can't believe no one commented on the Hopkins student who thwarted a gang of 8-11-year-olds (!!!) by pretending to speak French.
    gotta love it!
    (vous devez aimer cela!)

  6. 8 to 11 year olds? Wow. And people call me mean-spirited for thinking of kids in this town as hoodlums until proven otherwise. It's a pity those little punks didn't try to rob a couple of drunk lacrosse players, I'd love to hear about them getting their asses kicked.

  7. The name of the Patterson Park shooter is Montreal Proctor. He originally told the police that he was 16 years old. I guess Mr. Proctor hasn't heard of that wonderful invention that we call "computers".

  8. I should add that the police consider this to be public information since he is 18 years old.

  9. ppatin: The Baltimore thug culture is one of the most cowardly things I have ever seen. Anything close to even odds is spurned. Sucker punch a scrawny non-threatening guy near Patterson Park and kick him in the head while he lies defenseless in the street. Get caught burglarizing by a 90 pound college coed? Strangle her. Stab a 74 year old woman to death because she caught you in her house. It takes six or seven to beat a 73 year old to death. Drive by shootings. Out and out assassinations of rivals. Death squads. Stab a 16 year old girl in the back while your friend holds her by her hair. Then run like hell. And set up new rules to live by: real men don't snitch. What an absolutely cowardly society!!! A few have recently stood up to the police, though I think the death of the gentleman in the body armor will set back this line of thought for a while.

  10. Looking at montreal proctor on court search it appears that he has been arrested before for committing a crime with a HANDGUN, last august. The _circuit_ court date for THAT crime is May 20th 2008. Will someone explain to me WHAT THE HELL he is doing on the street? God knows what he was into before that, but it appears that he comes from a broken family of FIVE children. How depressing.

    BTW, does anyone have a reference for how to interpret MD court search webpages? Is there a glossary somewhere? I don't understand all the abbreviations and legal jargon.

  11. gmd:

    That's why I'm strongly in favor of concealed carry. Firearms make the weak equal to the strong. A woman in her 70s who's packing suddenly isn't so vulnerable anymore.

    BTW, I am perfectly aware that CCW won't solve our crime problems, but I do believe it would help a bit and it certainly couldn't make anything any worse.

  12. the concealed weapon law has already been passed as far as im concerned! You really thing the the gov and mayor care about your saftey?

  13. *think (typo) insane is that veido of the stabbing? they stabbed the aunt in the mouth! this is insane, i REFUSE to fall vistim to a pack of animals!

  14. To quote Robert Heinlein: "An armed society is a polite society" . But I digress. My point is that we have a culture that apparently says that you are a 'man' if you sneak up on someone who is unarmed and shoot him in the back of the head several times, but if you witness such an act you would be less than a 'man' if you tell the police about it. Those who do the former are glorified and respected in this culture (see gangs), those who do the latter (and are really the ones who are brave in this town) are considered scum by the culture. World turned upside down.

  15. *video

    sorry i cant spell today! too much nyquil last night (cough cough)

  16. gmd:

    I couldn't agree more. I get so sick of hearing professional victims whine on and on about how our government has failed people in inner-cities, or how schools don't get enough money (total BS by the way, B'more schools are some of the best funded ones in Maryland) or about our "racist" judicial system. The leading cause of Baltimore's problems is the degenerate culture that so many of its inhabitants buy into. Far too many Baltimorons buy into this way of thinking where violence is glorified, hard work & education are looked down on as "white" values, and thugs are looked up to as role models.

  17. Sipping on some sizzurp there PP?
    I hear that's the hot new thing with the kids now

  18. Most cold medicines are little more than placebos. Stick with OJ and chicken soup if you're feeling lousy.

  19. The speaking French thing -- it also works very well when you're being hit on by some gross guy in a bar. So does putting your hand up to your ear and yelling "I'M IN A TUNNEL, YOU'RE BREAKING UP" and walking away.

  20. another instance of shotty reporting and blogs jumping on the misinformation train. As wrong as the situation is --it's totally in err. He shot his mother's friend.,0,2267663.story
