Saturday, May 3, 2008

Armed Robbery in Evergreen

E-mail forwarded from the victim:
  • "11:30 PM on Wednesday, April 30th about one hundred yard up from intersection of Coldspring and Schenley in front of my house 4507 Schenley Road.

  • 3 African American Males, (approx 6ft; probably around 18 years old) one with white bandana around his face, pulled their car in front of mine as I was getting out with a few bags of groceries. They ran towards me yelling and demanded money. The one with the bandana around his face DIPLAYED A SMALL HANDGUN.

  • I screamed and threw everything in my pockets on the ground. They demanded money (cash) and I insisted that I did not have any on my person. I told them to take my bank card and continued to make a great deal of commotion. They instead took my cell phone and ran back to the car. They said “Don’t call the police.” And jumped back in the car and headed North on Schenley.

  • Police are now involved and tracking my cell phone. A neighbor got a partial description of the car and license plate. The organizer of the new neighborhood patrol happened to be driving down Schenley in his car with the roof light rack as the robbers were driving up."


  1. Sorry, ladies, I wish it weren't true: the thugs are now targeting women with groceries (and without) and following them home and doing the motorized mugging. Though women have always been targets because of their size and generally being easy to intimidate, there seems to be a growing trend of this stuff.
    Mostly, the criminals choose their victims not so much on what they can get, but calculate their likelihood of encountering resistance and/or getting caught. So, they usually drive or walk around til they find someone they're confident they can "take". And often its 2, 3, or 4 suspects to one victim. What a bunch of cowards we have as criminals around here!

    Anyway, ladies, please, at all times be aware: if you see someone, who is staring at you strangely (not looking like flirting), be on your guard. When they see a woman with groceries solo, they're pretty sure there's no guy around. So, I hate to say it, but look around, especially as you pull up to your house. If you see one or more males you're uncomfortable with on foot or in a car nearby, drive around the block, or wait, depending. Remember, you've got a lot of horsepower in your car.

    If you have the unpleasant experience of encountering robbers, try to keep your wits and make the encounter go as quick and as pleasant as possible. They usually want money, and nowadays, cell phones and electronics. If they try forcing you into a car or your house, then you've got some decisions to make. I can't offer specific advice because every situation is different, but try to avoid those two situations at all costs--if possible. Unless, confronted with those 2 possibilities, fighting is not usually recommended: it usually gets the victim hurt. Most of the time, they've selected you carefully, and have the jump on you and it's unexpected-totally. Now, if you're well into martial arts, and fight every week, that may be something different. Even then, i don't recommend fighting with anyone with a knife.

    And screaming does help sometimes, as in this instance, but usually nobody hears you--though the suspects may not know this.

    The trick is to survive, and to the extent possible, prevent harm. Often, "being nice" helps: they really don't like being disrespected.

    And, finally, don't feel bad: sometimes, there's just not anything you could have done; sometimes nothing works; if they've got you, they've got you and your number is up.

    We wish it were not so, but there it is. At times of their choosing in all neighborhoods, and always in some areas, the criminals rule the streets.

  2. You have to love Buz... great comment. He knows his stuff!

  3. "Even then, i don't recommend fighting with anyone with a knife."

    On the other hand, if Maryland allowed its citizens to carry concealed firearms then you could just shoot the guy with a knife.

    Sorry, couldn't resist the temptation to make a CCW comment.

  4. Doesn't it strike you as odd that in the Sun article about these very serious crimes, about one third of the text consists of cheerleading about how safe and what a great neighborhood Charles Village is? I can't recall crime reporting in other cities that diverts from the very serious and troubling news to spew such (incorrect) fluff. What's going on here?
