Friday, May 30, 2008

Brandon Grimes Not Guilty of Gun Charges

From the SA's office:
Late today a Baltimore jury found Brandon Grimes, 23, of the 800 block of Cator Avenue, Baltimore not guilty of handgun crimes, including prohibited possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, following less than 2 hours of deliberation.

The counts against Grimes originated early afternoon on April 13, 2006 after a car stop near his home. The allegations included that Grimes tossed a handgun into an adjacent yard after exiting his vehicle and entering his home on Cator Avenue, following a car stop by officers on routine patrol.

Grimes was found not guilty on all counts following a jury trial before Judge Wanda Heard.


  1. ...and another innocent man goes free! See, everyone, the system works!

  2. now all that man has to do is get away with murder...and he will have his chance soon enough.

  3. The criminal or criminally-related nature of the preponderance of the population here render a jury-based justice system inappropriate to Baltimore City. Guys like Grimes keep offending because they get so many free passes. And Baltimore is consequently an unsafe place to live in.

    Grimes is from my neighborhood. An acquital of Grimes is a death-blow to the habitability of Baltimore. Not only has he got a backed-up queue of charges for offenses committed while under supervision, but he's actually continuing to commit them from within confinement.

    Until animals like Grimes are readily incapacitated after the first credible offense, Baltimore needs to be closed as uninhabitable.
