Monday, May 19, 2008

CV Follies

... from JHU security (thanks CD!)
3 JUVENILE ARRESTS - Weapons Violations - 100 Blk. E. 30th St. - On May 17th at 7:50 PM, Baltimore Police and Campus Officers stopped three juveniles; 14, 15, and 17 years old. One of the juveniles attempted to dispose of two hammers prior to being stopped. Another juvenile had a steak knife and screwdriver in his possession. All were arrested by Baltimore Police and charged with possession of deadly weapons.

3 JUVENILE ARRESTS - Armed Robbery - 2900 Blk. Hargrove St. - On May 17th at 11:00 PM, a non-affiliate was approached by four juveniles, one of whom displayed a handgun, demanded and took money. Three of the four juveniles, 15 and 16 years old, were stopped in the 3000 Blk. N. Charles Street by Campus Officers and an off-duty Baltimore Police officer working for JHU. Baltimore Police responded and arrested the three juveniles based on a positive identification by the victim. A warrant will be obtained for a fourth juvenile involved. No injuries.

Attempt Armed Robbery - E. 26th & N. Charles Sts. - On May 15th at 7:20 PM, a senior undergraduate was approached by two unknown males in their late teens or early 20's as he walked by them at the intersection. One of the males displayed a knife and demanded the victim's property. The victim walked away from the suspects who did not follow him but were last seen walking east on E. 26th Street. No injuries. Nothing taken. The incident was reported to Campus Safety and Security on May 16th. Investigation continuing.

Auto Theft - Unit Blk. E. 30th St. - On May 16th between 12:30 AM and 6:30 PM, a JHMI employee's parked vehicle was taken. Baltimore Police responded. Investigation continuing.

Student Arrested on Alcohol Violation -- 3200 Blk. N. Calvert St. - On May 18th at 2:48 AM, as a Baltimore Police officer approached a sophomore undergraduate carrying an open container of alcohol, the student threw the container to the ground and ran into a nearby residence where he was located and arrested by Baltimore Police.


  1. Oh no, but listen to the police spokesman and the Sun writers: "Crime's down in Charles Village! Crime's down in Charles Village!

  2. Down? Oh, you mean like,... down to this ???

    P.S. If someone would please screencap this and post a link, I'd be much obliged.

  3. This view shows a bit more of the glory that is lower Charles Vilage (including rape).
