Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12

Okay, this is the saddest and most infuriating story I've heard about Baltimore in... uh... well, I was going to write "in a long time," but unfortunately the proper statement is more like "in about three days." Anyway, Carlos Santay, 19, was fatally stabbed at a Catonsville gas station was putting gas in the family car so he could drive his pregnant wife to the hospital. She gave birth to their first child a few hours after her husband died.

Mothers of murder victims speak out.

A woman drove Timothy Swann Jr. to Shock Trauma, stuck him in a wheelchair, and drove off before he could die. (Sun story)

The man who was killed by a gun-toting bicyclist on Friday night was ID'd as 18-year-old David Henderson. Onlookers at the scene claim they were roughed up by police.

Violence, violence, and more violence in the Blotter. (We even had some flare gun violence.)

Hit-and-run victim Michael Thompson is still in Shock Trauma, and the U-Haul driver has been ruled out as a suspect. Surely, one of you fine readers was shooting some sweet YouTube footage at the McDonald's on Perring Parkway on April Fools Day and accidentally videotaped the crime, right?

There's a new sheriff in town. Actually, it's a new police chief, the town is Annapolis, and they're on track to more than double last year's homicide stats.

"We believe this is just a personal issue he has with uniforms."



  2. i wish poor Carlos would have been allowed to carry a weapon in self hes gone over nothing while some punk doesnt lose a wink of sleep over it....

  3. Since the murder took place in B'more County I would not be surprised if the punk is losing a lot of sleep, although I'm sure it's only because he's worried about himself.

  4. wowserz, that could of been anyone ofud ! the texaco off of liberty road is next to my girlfriends sisters house in the county, a guy was stabbed to death there aswell after a bar fight up there a month or two ago....dont gas stations have cameras?!!? i imagine stabbing a person is much harder and cold blooded then shooting them...the amount of violence in even the county these days is crazy! maybe i should walk around with a some high powered AIR like the guy in No Country for Old Men!

  5. jamie malarkey has the lede of the day:

    "Crooning “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah,” Derek Propalis tells callers on his answering machine: Today is, in fact, a wonderful day.

    Last Monday, he may have changed his tune."

  6. I am going to miss my cousin Tim!!! Whoever killed him fails to realize that he has a family who truly loved him!!!! That is the part that the killers don't see, yes you took a life, but you have torn a family apart!!!! I hope God has mercy on your soul!!!! How could you just leave him at the hospital without getting him the help that may have saved his life!!! You heartless bastards, I hope that you can sleep well at night, because his family is going through it!!! He has a baby that will now grow up without a father, which seems to be the norm in Baltimore!!! I never thought I would hate someone, but I hate whoever did this, and the LEAST they can do is come up with the truth, and stop telling these lames ass stories to his family!!!! Turn yourself in before the streets get you!!!!!!

  7. tiff and danielle,
    Read Liz' blog. Read it from the beginning. If not today, then sometime soon.

  8. According to WBAL a baby was grazed by a stray bullet in O'Donnell Heights yesterday evening.
