Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 21

Six more murders this week, compared to five in last year's (5/23/07) issue of Murder Ink.

Why is this buried in the Blotter? "A woman, 23, told police she was standing on South Broadway about 2 a.m. Friday and waiting for a ride when a man forced her into a nearby alley and raped her. The woman reported the incident Sunday and was taken to a hospital."

Sunday's bloody melee (I love that word, melee!) in Federal Hill is all over the print news, but TV doesn't seem so interested: The Sun, The Examiner, The Examiner blog (Now With Comments!), and b (along with the question "Would we care if it happened in a different ZIP code?" Looking at the number of fights in the Blotter, I think the answer is a resounding "no").

No bail for Queen Antoinette or her 20-year-old daughter, Trevia Williams. Hmmmm... would that mean Williams is Princess Trevia?

'Rock' was arrested for the weekend murder in Columbia. The victim was a known member of the Long Reach Crew, a Columbia gang known for drugs, assaults, and all the other fun things for which stupid suburban HoCo kids celebrate gang culture.

Joshua Rice got 30 years for strangling west-side hooker Jennifer Fishbach with a coat hanger in 2004.

If three kids and grandma were running amok and kicking the principal on a show on the Disney Channel, we'd all think it was cute.

Looks like we're finally snitching again.

Police stopped a van that was carrying more than 500 pair of fake Nikes.

The dude who threatened to "choke the life out of O'Malley" is off of house detention. So here's a question: If the government arrested everyone who had a similar thought about either O'Malley or Dixon, how much of our population would be in jail?


  1. Sorry, there's a HUGE difference between thinking something and sending an email to someone threatening to kill him if you're ever close enough to do it, which is what this guy did. Frankly, if someone sent me a threatening email, I'd want them at least investigated as well, hopefully arrested. Call me crazy...

  2. I have not been thinking about choking Sheila Dixon.

    Now, drawing and quartering... that's another matter.

  3. More armed robberies in the Northern crime log on Greenmount and on St. Paul St. in Charles Village.

  4. let me guess, the victims in federal hill where white?...for some reason, blacks in this city (Assuming the perps were black, i think in bmore i can assume that)like beating on whites!! isnt that some sort of hate crime?? i bet if whites were targeting blacks Al Sharpton would be in bmore faster then you can say "gel caps" neither white nor black, but i sure as shit shit aint blind! and i see stabbings are a everyday occurence....cowards

  5. It would appear that after a quiet April, the Sun is in denial again. The 5/16 murder on Colborne was not reported, or at least not that I can find. The recent death of Mr. Rhodes, who has a record about a mile long and was wounded by police on 5/2, was barely reported by the Sun. The reporting of the Federal Hill incident seems to have been forced on the Sun. I guess the Sun is trying to tell us something, or not.

  6. Bmore...interesting that you bring up race... I haven't found any mention of the racial background of the women that police are looking for...anybody see that anywhere? We sure do know when suspects are black...does a lack of racial description mean the attackers are white? If so, why the hell isn't that being reported?

    Being a raging liberal who believes in the fundamental goodness of people it pains me to say this, but I think you guys on here have convinced me that I should be carrying a gun (or maybe an ice pick?), that the brutality around here probably does merit the death penalty--even for minors, and that I should get the $@&* out of this town as soon as possible.

  7. leanne:

    Believe it or not I used to be pro-gun control and anti-death penalty. B'more changed me.

  8. Actually, stabbing someone isn't as cowardly as it may appear. Since you have to be pretty darn close to your potential victim, you run the risk of being stabbed with your own weapon, having the shit beat out of you, or being shot (if your poor victim is also carrying a gun). Shooting someone from a far distance (as the DC sniper did, as one example) -- now THAT is cowardly.
