Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May 28

A man got stabbed last night at Charles St. and Baltimore St., and another man was shot in the back yesterday about "50 paces" from where Ronald Crowell was killed over the weekend. Good to see the Sun is using ancient Roman units of measure.

Meanwhile, the 16-year-old girl and the 19-year-old man who were shot in South Baltimore and Remington, respectively, are both still in the hospital. No word yet on whether the fine doctors at Shock Trauma and Hopkins are being credited with the city's continually dropping murder rate.

Speaking of the dropping murder rate, Anna D. reports only one murder this week, the death of Carlos Cervantes on S. Broadway near E. Pratt St. Anna's poetic closing sentence says it all: "He was dead." There've been 77 murders so far this year, compared to six for the same week last year and 116 total at this time in 2007.

Whoever writes the Examiner's Blotter isn't quite clear on the difference between a theft and a robbery.

The drug biz ain't the only business that's being hit by a 'no parking' zone on Pennsylvania Ave. Of course, something tells me the dealers will bounce back easier than the legit small business owners.

I think I remember Pembleton telling Bayliss that the only people who sleep in the interrogation room are the guilty ones. Looks like Vaughn Garris is guilty, then. (His confession certainly makes it look that way, too.)

Here's a closer look at the impounded video poker games in Baltimore County.


  1. More sloppy reporting from the examiner. In their article about Vaughn Garris they said:

    "The 38-year-old Woodlawn resident at times appeared relaxed on his videotaped statement played in Baltimore County Circuit Court on Tuesday, despite having just admitted to a crime so brutal that prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against him."

    It's not exactly a secret that BaltoCo generally seeks the death penalty against anyone who's legally eligible for it, regardless of the supposed brutality of the crime. In fact, how nasty a killer is or isn't has nothing to do with whether a murder is a capital offense. Look at Joe Metheny as an example. He was so evil and dangerous that Baltimore City sought and won a death sentence against him, but the Court of Appeals immediately smacked them down and said he'd never committed a capital crime.

  2. The drunken illegal who killed two people in a 2006 car accident in HoCo got ten years.

  3. The O'Governor has appointed Court of Special Appeals Judge Sally D. Adkins to the Maryland Court of Appeals. She will replace Judge Dale Cathell.
