Friday, May 30, 2008

May 30

Michael S. Falls was arrested and charged with killing his 63-year-old girlfriend, Josephine House, in her N. Port St. home on Tuesday.

The body of 18-year-old Steven Parrish was found at a Baltimore County cemetery. Police have no motive or suspects in the murder.

21-year-old Christen Hawkins' beaten body was found behind a pool in Laurel.

Shannon Dudley is the guy who got stabbed at a bus stop on Charles and Baltimore on Tuesday night. It sounds like his only crime was waiting for the bus. Safe and reliable, baby, safe and reliable.

There's a whole lotta shootin' goin' on. And stabbin', and carjackin', and other assorted misbehavin', too! (WMAR's got video about the police shooting in the Southeastern.)

Shawn Lee Gray says 'Reds' was driving the car that hit and killed a Dundalk biker, but police say Shawn's a liar.

Damn. The Examiner isn't pulling any punches with this one: "Man accused of raping teen sentenced to 20 years - Not even her mother believed she was raped."

1.5 years for kiddie porn? Is Balto County getting soft on pervs?

The Frednecks don't put up with kiddie porn, though: Larry Cordell got 25 years for "making videos of sex acts with boys and distributing them through the Internet and elsewhere." This is his second conviction for child sex abuse. I can't even put in writing what I hope happens to his ass in prison, but let's just say it involves lit firecrackers and watermelons.

In HoCo, a kid was gonna bring a gun to school, but then he played hookie instead. In almost equally exciting news, I was gonna vacuum my house last night, but then I talked to one of my friends on the phone instead.

Crackheads and stockbrokers alike reported great excitement at the headline "Clean Air Act means healthier coke production." Then they read the story and didn't care.

There were probably some sort of fancy schmancy shenanigans going on with the sale of the Paramount Hotel on N. Howard St., but even after reading the article, I don't understand what the hell any of it means. White collar crime is, like, totally hard.


  1. The Paramount hotel issue is simple. The IDA is one of those nice political places where supportes are given jobs. Sheila has her people in place. Frank Conaway and Jill Carter don't have any of their people working there. Once the board is increased in size and supporters of Frank and Jill get "elected" to the board, then everything will be ok.

  2. Hmmm, Jill Carter didn't seem like the sort who'd try to go getting jobs for her cronies. I voted for her in the mayoral primary because she seemed to have some integrity, although I found her hippyish political views to be repulsive. Perhaps I was naive.

  3. This was posted yesterday on

    [May 29th, 2008] 12:25pm

    One year ago this weekend, Zach was brutally assaulted and robbed around 11:45 p.m. on Friday, June 1 and sent to Johns Hopkins as a "John Doe." I kissed Zach and our dog, Mia, goodbye a year ago tonight as I headed off for a girls weekend in Chicago. Little did I know that weekend would be the beginning of hell on earth.

    When I didn't hear from Zach on Saturday morning, I started to get worried. His cell phone went straight to voicemail. But I tried to stay calm. Maybe he'd gone to the movies and turned off his phone. By that afternoon, I was sick to my stomach and frantic. I called every hospital in the city asking for Zach Sowers or an unidentified white male, 20-30 years old. No one had Zach in their care. I later found out that hospitals who have an assault victim cannot disclose this information in case the attackers come to the hospital to cause more harm. So, I had no idea where Zach was. I continued to call more friends and even called Central Booking in case Zach had been arrested for some bewildering reason. Nothing. My friends and I kept hoping against all odds that Zach would call and say that he'd lost his cell phone and had taken a spontaneous trip to Philly or DC. We waited, hoped and prayed. Again, nothing. Finally, my friends and I boarded the next flight back to Baltimore, which was also the last flight of the evening.

    On that hour long flight back, we all knew Zach could very well be dead. But we never mentioned it. Instead, we devised a search mission to go up and down every alley in Canton. We'd solicit all our friends and be armed with flashlights and cell phones since it was now 10 p.m. on Saturday night. But we landed and immediately heard that Zach was found. He was at Johns Hopkins in critical condition. Critical condition sounded pretty scary to me but my friend, Brenda, reminded me that meant Zach was alive. Then it clicked. Zach was found and alive. He was at Hopkins, the best hospital ever. He'd be OK. We went straight from BWI to Hopkins, where I was greeted by about 20 friends and family members, all anxiously waiting to see Zach. And so began the tragedy that will forever shape our family, friends, me and everyone that knows our story.

    To honor Zach this weekend, I am asking that everyone who reads this do something kind and/or out of the ordinary. Call up that old friend you haven't talked to in a while, pay for the person behind you at the toll, let someone else have that amazing parking spot. Donate to the Zach Sowers Brain Trauma Research Fund Anything. Just do something, as the Teacher and 21 Students posted, that will "spread kindness and love to others with the hopes that will help bring about a more peaceful community in the world [we] live in." Thank you Teacher and 21 students for your coin collection. Your posting and donation touched my heart.

    And also, say a little prayer for Zach and our family and friends who will need that extra love to get through this weekend and the coming years ahead.

  4. I pray that Trayvon Ramos is disemboweled this weekend and watches as his rancid blood runs out of his useless carcass, until he is dead, stone cold dead.
