Monday, June 23, 2008

From your friendly SA's office:
A Baltimore City jury convicted Randy Golden, 19, of the 3600 block of St. Victor Street today of first-degree murder, use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence, wear/carry/transport a handgun. The jury deliberated approximately two hours before reaching its verdict. Judge Timothy J. Doory scheduled sentencing for June 24, 2008 at which time Golden faces a maximum possible prison term of life plus 23 years. Details:
On January 9, 2007 at 12:00PM in the 600 block of Washburn Avenue Golden shot his ex-girlfriend, Melissa Stefanski, once in the back of the head. The shooting took place in broad daylight in the middle of the street. Witnesses testified that two days before the shooting, Golden warned three different people, including the victim’s sisters, that he intended to kill Stefanski. The State asserted that the motive for the shooting was that Stefanski began selling drugs for the Crips, a rival gang of the Bloods, of which Golden is a member. Stefanski’s new boyfriend was also a Crip.
Assistant State’s Attorneys Lisa Phelps of the Homicide Division and Brandis Marsh of the Narcotics Division prosecuted this case.


  1. The Sheila Dixon story gets clearer: she acknowledges her gifts from Doracon.

  2. Lotsa shootings, guns, and robberies in the crime blotter, including an elderly dude walking from the Giant supermarket in Better Waverly.

  3. jg: with respect to the gifts from Doracon, what the hell is "legacy wealth" and how does one build it by spending thousands on hotel rooms, fur coats and first class airfare? Hmm, I think I just answered my own question. I guess things never change in Maryland. And damn that republican federal prosecutor for trying to change things!

  4. What does 'legacy wealth for minorities' mean?

    It means that the prime contractor on these Baltimore City mega-projects couldn't get them approved without first showing that a minority (translation: Black Baltimore - africans, asians and hispanics need not apply)subcontractor, Doracon, was receiving a big slice of the pie.

    Lipscomb has made millions on his City Hall connections, but he doesn't want you to think of that profit as money in his pocket.

    He wants you to think of it as an investment in the 64% minority population of Baltimore. The fact that his name happens to be on the check is, well... that's just a detail.

  5. question: to date, has dixon testified in any of the proceedings or investigations? i realize that she maintains her innocence in the public arena, but i'm unaware of any direct statements given to prosecutors. maybe baltimore will be detroit, round 2. in any event, we can be sure that baltimore will continue to elect dixon in perpetuity. being a criminal is beneficial in this town.
