Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17

Listen up, thugs and robbers and aspiring Al Capones, because I'm gonna give you some kickass advice: the cops have better aim than you do. They do crazy stuff like going to the shooting range and cleaning their guns. So next time you're fighting with one of your pals on the corner of N. Robinson St. and E. Baltimore St. and the cops show up and tell you to drop your gun, just do what they say. Of course, my advice is a little late for this guy. Sorry. I'll try to post it earlier next time.

Holy smokes, there are a lot of dead people in this article. The two men who were killed in the triple shooting on Shamrock Ave. on Saturday morning were 23-year-old Bryant Price and 22-year-old Justin N. Amis. The man found on Hamilton Ave. died of a single stab wound to his head, and it appears that his death has been ruled a homicide. The two teenagers killed on June 12 at a park on Moreland Ave. were ID'd as Djuan Anderson and Darrius Harrison. The man killed in a car on June 3 was 33-year-old Tyrone H. Wells.

In the same link above, a yet-to-be-ID'd guy was shot in the 3100 block of Brighton St. early Friday morning and died a few hours later at Shock Trauma. I don't recall hearing about that in yesterday's recap of the weekend's shootings. That's the beauty of Baltimore, I guess: there are always more shootings than you hear about.

Speaking of shootings, the Blotter has a bunch of 'em from Sunday. On Sunday night, a woman was shot on her porch on N. Pulaski. On Sunday afternoon, a 69-year-old man was almost robbed; he was shot at repeatedly as he ran away, and his sweet ride was hit at least once. And early on Sunday morning, a man was gutshot in Hampden.

Don't worry, the counties won't be left out of all the gun fun. In HarCo, failed murder victim Gary Dashawn Davenport became a successful alleged murderer, and Orlando Antoine Foote Jr. is accused of shooting at an Annapolis cabbie last month.

Six horny AAC men didn't get their 20 dollar love earlier this month. There was also a woman busted in the sting, but the article doesn't clarify whether she was a hooker or a hookee.

I love it when I misread headlines. I totally thought MoCo's water supply was cut due to the Rapture.


  1. I'm hoping that the guy who was killed by the officer was one of the thugs who lives in a known drug house on the unit block of S Robinson. There are several rehabs on that block, but they can't give those houses away since the first thing any potential buyer sees is 10 thugs gathering in front of that house.

  2. From WJZ.com:

    "When they went to pat down another man, 22-year old Brian Worrell, that's when things went wrong."


    Have these dolts at WJZ ever heard of a grammar check or a copy editor?

  3. Lawyers for one of the animals accused of murdering House of Correction CO David McGuinn are whining that they aren't being paid enough.
