Sunday, June 29, 2008

June 29

What's up with the way-down murder rate?

Annals of unsmartitude: Baltimore Raven Derrick Martin took his stash to the Cleveland airport.

Rodricks: "Behind drugs, stories of pain"


  1. This is about an administration which has clearly broadcast which offenders are going to be enforced upon, and which are not.

    Robberies are up about 5%.

    The answer is to increase enforcement capacity across the board, rather than making gunshot murder the only crime anyone bothers with in this city.

    I don't object to targetting historically violent gun offenders. I just don't see why one would stop there.

  2. because we don't have the resources for it, I would think. Not enough cops, judges, courtrooms or jail cells to deal with even half of the crime we have.

  3. The first thing we ought to do is build more prison space, toughen sentences and abolish parole for violent felonies. Sure it'll cost some money, but I suspect that a revolving door justice system ends up costing more than simply locking up dangerous perps for a long time.

  4. More robberies, case in point.

    Don't have the money?

    Does the statute read "It shall be unlawful to rob a victim unless it shall be too burdensome to the State ??

    If the State (or City) are unwilling to do what is necessary because of its budget constraint, then the State must relinquish the jurisdictionally exclusive power to police and authorize self-help by individuals, rather than sticking us with lawlessness just because some legislator wants to pocket the dough.

  5. I heard a rumor that a third strangled prostitute was found in Hampden last week. BS story, or is there some truth to it?
