Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Whoa Nelly!

Investigators with the State Prosecutor's Office searched the Mayor's house this morning!
(thanks Yeti)


  1. This is the best news I've heard in quite some time! Please tell me they are trying to pull her out of office...there may be hope for good 'ol Bodymore yet!

  2. Remember Cameron, if Sheila is forced out of office, then Stephanie Rawlings-Blake assumes the mayoral position.

    Be careful what you wish for.

  3. During the last Democratic mayoral primary, I distinctly remember asking myself if I should pick a candidate based on competence, the need for change, or the likelihood of finishing the term without being indicted. The current mayor finished in last place in all categories.

  4. Margaret Burns is getting a taste of humiliation, although her apology is pretty half-assed.

    "According to medical records and photos in Sowers' assailant's court file, the 28-year-old victim had 19 different "diagnoses/problems," including head trauma, hemorrhages, bruises to the brain tissue, respiratory failure and excess water build-up in his brain. Photos entered into evidence by prosecutors also show Sowers bleeding from the right side of his head, in a neck brace, wrapped in bandages and with multiple tubes coming from his mouth."

    Damn, Ms. Burns must have seen some pretty fucked up sleeping babies.

  5. Speaking of f-cked-up young'uns, two escaped, assaulting a correctional staffer.

  6. ... so not only was Dixon's quote cuckoo, it wasn't even correct! Over the weekend the moon was still "waxing gibbous."

  7. Do gibbous moons make people shoot each other?

  8. Mayor Dixon has been a great mayor of Baltimore who has actually shown true concern for the people. She actually improves the city instead of just talking about it like the previous mayors.

    It looks like some person or people just have a personal vendetta against her. It looks like they didn't know what they were looking for, like they just wanted to find anything they might be able to use against her in any way.

  9. Excuse me??

    Exactly what (that matters) has Sheila Dixon improved ??

  10. "Mayor Dixon has been a great mayor of Baltimore who has actually shown true concern for the people. She actually improves the city instead of just talking about it like the previous mayors"

    you sound like the Anderson supporter in the Sun article. the fact that Baltimore politicians are willing to turn a blind eye to possible crimes and violations, and in fact justify them by stating that "everyone does it" is indicative of the large-scale, pervasive disrespect for the law. if she did something wrong, she should pay the price.

    furthermore, the fact that a politician "truly cares about people" or actually does something positive for the community, in no way means she should be exempt from the laws.
