Monday, July 21, 2008

WTF? K-Swift Drowned!

At the young age of 27, 92Q DJ K-Swift has drowned in her own pool, while throwing a party!
Apparently no one noticed the hostess was missing, and then when they found her no one performed CPR on her.

... The Sun has more


  1. That's sad, my heart goes out to her mother.

  2. Dont they give you CPR instructions over the phone when you call 911??? i dont get it...since we are in bmore i wouldnt put any shady theories behind me...and how do they know she jumped in and hit her head if no one noticed what she was doing at the time? the only way no one would perform or attempt to perform cpr is if they thought she was dead from reasons other then drowning...even if you dont know cpr, 911 will instruct you

  3. I am tired of my people NOT being safe. Everyone wants to say people stood by and no one done nothing. Lets face it as sad as it is to say.She was called home and she left at a party. I roll out the "Red Carpet" to the Queen. Because she found a passion for something early in life and stuck with it and reached a lot of people while doing it.

    But we need to focus on safety. Her death reminds me so much of Aliyahs'. Another one who did not put safety first. I know we love to have fun but rules and regulations are in place for a reason.

    She will be loved and miss. I did not even know her like that but cried terribly when I found out and still have a heavy heart about her being gone. Reason being it was a lost at a young age for the lack of safety.

    I know some of you fans may be upset with me for saying this. But where was the person at to tell her hey K maybe its not a good idea to dive in this shallow water. You cant change what happen it is his will to take you at anytime the way he wants to. But I am also happy that the death was not related to violence because someone would have hell to pay.

    I love my community and I would like you all to know that safety is first and don't do things that would jepordize what you work hard for.

    Please be advised bmore that a neck injury is FRAGILE and if she hit her head after being pushed, diving or anything into 4feet of water she was done and, if there were any chances of survival they were most likely decreased upon removing her from the water and moving that spinal cord around. CPR would have been okay if she had water in her lungs but after a neck injury who is to say that the left side of her brain was working to even tell her to breath. We need more black doctors, lawyers, EMT'S.....just more black professionals so that we can be on point. I tired of the ignorance.
    Peace and love forever MsMclovin.
