Friday, July 18, 2008

For-Her Firearms

The News Hole just featured the press release of a .38 gun which is painted hot pink - perfect for that special lady of yours. It's an exquisite piece...


  1. The Lady Smith is a great gun for concealed carry, but a brightly colored gun or a gun with a super shiny finish is not the best idea for a defensive situation in the home. It gives the other potentially armed person(s) a nice, easy-to-spot target in a dim or dark room. A firearm fashion faux pas could get you killed.

    The black nitron finish on my SIG, as dull and understated as it is, still makes me feel like a natural woman.

  2. Ooooh, guess what I'm lucky enough to get again? Jury duty! Yay! 3rd time in three years. Maybe this time I'll actually end up on a jury, I'm just itching to convict someone.

  3. I find pink guns, along with pink power tools and pink anything else that's marketed to women...incredibly insulting.

    As AH stated, the black finish on the SIG is better, especially at night.

    Pink guns, jesus...what kind of shit is that?

  4. As a man who is amused by the fact that I am expected to loathe anything pink, I would totally buy a pink handgun.

    Do white supremacists buy black handguns, or is that against their silly little code of ethics?

  5. "I'm going to inflict some serious ouchies on you, Mister Nasty!"

    If you're going to have a gun, don't you want the full visual-deterrent effect? You don't want some robber to be like, "For reals, that's a gun? Seriously?"

  6. What angerhangover said. I have a hot pink holster for my iPhone that I really like the look of...but a gun should be dark and dull and to the degree looks matter at all it should just look uncaring and brutal.

    Of course, I may be drawing too much attention to the iPhone with that pink holster...
