Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Child Arrest, two Murderers and a Rat-Eating Possum

More to the story of the arrest of 7-Year-Old Gerard Mungo Jr.-- 311 transcripts and allegations that "Sgt. Colburn and Officer Hayes made 'some type of a bet as to whether or not they could lock up a 7-year-old'"

28-year-old Paul Highfield got 10 years for beating two-year-old Anthony D'Urso to death.

Luke and Janis report that Baltimore cold-case detectives have charged William Brown, 41, with killing a 25-year-old woman with a prostitution record and a 15-year-old girl in 2004, and with raping another woman in 2003.

A woman's body was found in Aberdeen.

And then there's the story of how a "Trashy House Breeds Raccoons":

Wt first I wasn't too taken aback by the raccoon but when I saw the possum I was like ‘whoa’! But then I was told by another neighbor you really want the possum's around because of the rats they eat the rats. I just don’t want them around me! ... They're running around rampant! I had to have my roof repaired as well as my mom and several other neighbors.


  1. One of my white trash neighbors has let his house fall apart to the point raccoons and possums live in his attic.

    They wave to me when I go to and come home from work or school.

  2. I nominate "i am so wise" for the C Love chief dingleberry award of 2008.

  3. More jack-booted thuggery, this time from the PG County SWAT team. Why exactly was it necessary to send heavily armed men to kick in the door in this case? Were they worried that he'd flush 30 pounds of weed down the toilet? This is a perfect example of SWAT teams wreaking havoc because they have nothing to do. Gotta find an excuse to play with their toys.

  4. ppatin, drug dealers and violence are kind of synonymous these days.

  5. Yes, I'm sure the mayor of Berwyn Heights would've lit up the cops if they'd knocked on his door.


  6. No sympathy from me for criminal public servants. 32 lbs. is a dealer quantity. I'd give him the chair upon conviction.

  7. How do you know it was his? It's not exactly unheard of for drug dealers to ship their product to someone else's address, and then pick up the goods after the UPS guy leaves it at the door. In fact, I can't imagine anyone who's dealing pounds of weed would be dumb enough to have it mailed straight to his home.

    Besides, marijuana shouldn't be illegal.

  8. And politicans shouldn't lie.

    Or take fur coats.
