Wednesday, July 2, 2008

how could that possibly be legal?!

The CP reports that retiring police officers are not paid earned comp time when they retire unless they sign a highly unusual and very broad gag order.

... also, the CP has more on the wild world of bail bonds.

Need a laff? Enjoy "Carroll Park fitness trail symbols redux."

1 comment:

  1. Vaughn Garris pleaded guilty to the murder of Chontae Waters, and was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. The plea deal avoid a possible death sentence for Garris.

    By the way, this case is a fine example of the usefulness of capital punishment. If it weren't for the threat of capital punishment prosecutors would've had to go to trial to keep Garris in prison for the rest of his life, and even if he'd been found guilty he could've spent several years appealing his sentence. A plea bargain like this ensures that he will never leave prison, and that he won't be able to file any kind of appeal or challenge to his conviction or sentence. The death penalty benefits us all even when a criminal isn't sentenced to die.
