Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July 2

Three murders and a whole bunch of follow-ups in the Ink. This is the first I've heard about the beating death of Chicas Santiago in the 2600 block of Baltimore St., next to Patterson Park.

There was a shooting Monday night on Mosher and N. Calhoun, and a kid near Druid Hill Park acted like a dick to the wrong homeless man.

Should it really be this easy to escape from custody? "After getting out of the transport van at St. Paul and Fayette streets, (Marcus) Anderson took off running..."

Three teens in Brooklyn Park were arrested for two carjackings. In one of them, one of the kids punched a pregnant woman in the stomach.

Paul Justin Krastas got 59 days for an attempted rape in Brooklyn Park last fall. He allegedly picked up a 13-year-old girl, carried her into his grandmother's basement, and pulled down her pants before he was interrupted.

Yet another son of Cindy McKay has been charged with murder for helping mommy to kill her boyfriend in 2006.

Cordero Taylor got off on an attempted murder charge for the stabbing of a 17-year-old outside the Columbia Mall, but he got hit with first degree assault.

Master Giddins got five years for buying gas for a Remington firebombing.

The bones found in HarCo last week are not from a homicide victim.


  1. "Leconte, who dropped a bloody knife, was hiding in a stairwell where he defecated in his pants, according to police."

    LOL, what a pussy!

  2. What can I say... In HoCo the criminals are not hard core but the judges are. The look out will get more time than a killer in the city.
