Thursday, July 17, 2008

Taking it to the Streets

... like the Doobie Brothers!
We hear there's to be a rally against newspaper layoffs today at noon in front of the Sun building on Calvert Street.

There will also be an anti-Marty-Burns rally at the farmer's market on Sunday.

They don't call this city Mobtown for nothing!


  1. There's something that hasn't been addressed in the Examiner blogs and Sun stories about the whole Burns/Jessamy debacle -
    Simply, on what grounds are people calling for Burns to be dismissed? As far as I can tell, all she's really guilty of is looking like an idiot and talking out of her ass. Did she say anything that could be regarded as defamatory or "illegal". While I would love to see her go, this seems like one of those situations where she might be dismissed or asked to resign if things got heated enough but, when she handed in her keys, she would probably walk away carrying a nice severance settlement paid for by the city taxpayers.
    While I feel for Anna and her supporters, I really don't think we should have to fork over tax dollars to get rid of Jessamy's mouthpiece.

  2. Reticent:

    I don't think that Burns is legally entitled to any sort of severance package, although I could be wrong. The reason she should be fired is because she's getting paid six figures to be the spokeswoman for the SA's office, yet she can't even get the basic facts about a very high profile case right.

  3. she's getting paid six figures to be the spokeswoman for the SA's office, yet she can't even get the basic facts about a very high profile case right.

    That's enough right there to warrant a good 'ol firing to me. It's not like this is a public corporation--it your (or at least my) tax dollars being spent on a useless mouthpiece for an even more worthless and higher paid public servant.

    Would Burns leaving have any immediate effect? Not really. Would it be a crack in the PJ empire? Would it be some consolation to Anna for the dishonest, hurtful and revengeful remarks PJ and Burns have spewed to the media? Absolutely. Does that make it worth the effort to try and have PJ admit mistakes were made? For me, yes.

  4. I think you're right that she isn't legally entitled to it, but I do worry that her friends at the state would just cut her a nice check to go away without a fuss.
    It would really suck if Burns talks out of her ass, gets a lot of people upset, is relieved of her position to keep from embarrassing the SA's office any further (and possibly affect the SA's chances of re-election) AND gets a nice payday for her trouble.
    If she is terminated, I'd be interested in knowing the details. Usually, people who are asked to resign under pressure are given some kind of incentive. She doesn't deserve it.

  5. Say it with me, class: In-com-pe-tence.

    I'm very torn, personally. On one hand, she clearly doesn't have any sense of what the hell she is doing, and who likes to see a foolish person do foolish things any more than necessary? On the other hand... I'm happy to allow Pat Jessamy to let an imbecile do the talking for her. If anything it speaks to her decision-making (and could arguably be a strong point of contention when someone runs against her in 2010... Jim Kraft's a lawyer, isn't he?).

    Most baffling in all of this is the grossly inaccurate statements Mrs. Burns made... while not actually visiting the person she made the statements about! Talk about dum dum dummmmmm....

    The fellow who wrote to the Ron Smith show made an excellent point. Would there be a larger outcry if Zach Sowers were black? I'd imagine so.

    Perhaps Matt Jablow is free to take her job!

  6. "Would there be a larger outcry if Zach Sowers were black?"

    No, if he were black he never would have received the media coverage, silly!

    Who cares about black on black violence?

  7. "No, if he were black he never would have received the media coverage, silly!

    Who cares about black on black violence?"

    Ah, but what if he'd been stomped to death by four white guys? Doc Cheetham would've been all over that.
