Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday Morning (Not as thrilling as the store, but...)

Chuck described this incident better than I ever could: Stabby Cabbie. I must confess it made my morning to read that.

Some 23 year old was indicted for the murder of Effrem Kearney, #9 of the year.

Robbers targeted two downtown banks yesterday, successfully robbing the Provident bank on Lexington Street and falling short at the M&T bank on Pratt Street. The police are still looking for suspects. Oh well, if at first you don't succeed ...

Orlando Gilyard got nine years in Federal Prison for Bangin'. So far the US attorney's office has 48 people with either indictments or pending cases. I suggest that we rename US Attorney Rod Rosenstein "Hot Rod".

Within the next 24 hours we should know if the case of Kevin Clark - Baltimore's former top cop - will go forward.

Lt. Terrence McLarney - Law School graduate and respected veteran - has taken over one of the hardest jobs in Baltimore, commander of the BPD Homicide Unit.

Not a crime story, but... Belinda Conaway, Legislative Scholar connected with such groundbreaking resolutions as a statue for a dead horse, has now made calls to shift Baltimore's government to a four day work week. At this pace she'll be mayor by 2011.

Citing a lack of evidence, the State's Attorney's office has dropped charges against Carolyn Redd, charged with murdering her mother in February 2007. She should be freed today, while Lawrence Page - Redd's boyfriend who is connected with the murder - has a postponed trial until October.


  1. Wow, I was surprised to read that the homicide unit has grown to 75 detectives. I believe that 20 years age they only had about 35 or 40 people.

  2. I like that cops on segways coverged on the Pratt St. Bank robbery. I now have visions of cops on segways chasing down robbers while shooting at the same time. A very nice visual indeed...

  3. Why don't they put cops on bikes instead of Segways? They're faster & cheaper and plenty of Baltimore cops could use the exercise.

  4. Two very good reasons:

    1) It would require physical activity;
    2) It would be cheaper.

    So, in essence, it would make too much sense to actually be executed.

  5. ... and I'm sure it made stabby cabbie's day to rob and stab someone and get away with it!

  6. mommy was too busy stickn needles in her arm or sucking off the local dealer, thats how the lil girl got lost...
