Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday Morning

A man was shot and killed at a liquor store off of safe and reliable North Avenue on Saturday night. More interestingly, this store was the target of shut-down efforts by the local Reservoir Hill Community. Hmm. Methinks this will call for a committee.

A stabbing during an attempted robbery at the Mt. Clare Dollar Store.

This was not a good weekend to be out after 7pm (sorry, Artscape fans), as someone else was found fatally shot in SoWeBo.

As evidence that some press can be bad press, dozens of people gathered to discuss the firing of Margaret Burns, spokesperson for the City State's Attorney's office. Burns, shockingly, could not be reached for comment. Notice a pattern, anyone? Adam Meister posted more information on this little conundrum here.

An inmate died at central booking on Friday evening, and the Powers that Be are investigating

It's going to be hot today, cats and kittens, so be sure to bring your bottled water!


  1. Ronald Hinton got life plus 25 for the rape and murder of 4-year old Ja'Niya Williams. Even by B'more standards this was a pretty awful crime, and I've got to ask why the SA's office didn't seek life w/o parole in this case. I know that parole for lifers is kind of rare in MD, but Hinton is only 17 which means that since he got straight life he'll probably make it out of prison before he dies. That is unacceptable. He needs to rot away in North Branch for the rest of his life.

  2. "A stabbing during an attempted robbery at the Mt. Clare Dollar Store."

    I just got home from the (un)Safeway in the Mt. Clare Shopping Center. I guess this explains why there were so many cops and emergency vehicles in front of the dollar store.

  3. Actually, cynic, it was a good weekend to be out after 7pm and artscape was just fine as far as I could tell.

    So what exactly do you mean by "sorry artscape fans"?? Artscape was not in sowebo. Do you live in Baltimore?

  4. ppatin,

    I don't think you'll have to worry about Ronald Hinton getting out of prison before he dies. Prisoners don't take too kindly to child rapists/murderers.

  5. in addition to what helix said, i'd like to add that "southwest baltimore" does not automatically equal "sowebo." sowebo is the neighborhoods of hollins market and union square, which have a lot more going for them than that hilton street corridor. in fact, they aren't even in the southwestern police district!

  6. Mr Meph:

    Hopefully you're right, but I've got to wonder how common "prison justice" really is. We like to tell ourselves that these guys will all get what's coming to them, but in real life I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of perverts get by just fine in prison.

  7. I was at the Safeway around the same time as AH (now I know who was tailing me through the frozen foods aisle...) and didn't see anything going on. WTF.
