Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday Morning

Lamont E. Brown, Baltimore's newest alleged criminal mastermind, was charged for the series of attempted bank robberies from monday evening. One has to wonder what would have happened had that time been spent applying for jobs. Oh Dan Rodricks, where were you?

Sampson Asby of West Baltimore was arrested for the death of his girlfriend Patrice L. Marable (#111) on July 6th. With a record of more than two dozen cases dating back to 1998 one can't help but wonder how the police knew. And if you don't believe me, check for yourself here.

Antonio R. Jackson - who gave the gun to the person who ended up shooting and paralyzing William "Tippa" Thomas - apologized to William yesterday in court while being sentenced for the offense. In other news scientists are working feverishly to correlate apologies and recovery from paralysis.

A State Trooper was wounded during an altercation in which a man attempted to enter the Mondawmin MVA after hours. I know people who would get aggressive after being in there during regular hours. Also, anyone who is trying to deliberately enter that place is clearly not right.

A study by Johns Hopkins' School of Public Health has found correlations between the neighborhoods of Baltimore and the health of its inhabitants, saying that poorer and more violent neighborhoods are prone to health issues such as stroke, and heart attacks. In other news someone, somewhere just said, "Well, duh..."

Two more people suffered nonfatal shootings near Clifton Park last night, this time a 14 and 15 year old boy.

The State's Attorney's office dropped murder charges against Lewis K. Lucas yesterday, citing that they were unable to find their only witness. Fortunately he already is facing a hefty 20 year sentence... which is suspended... although he now is serving five years... D'oh!

1 comment:

  1. That ain't Clifton Park. The double shooting of teenagers took place squarely inside CHuM, by Tivoly Ave.

    Say, wasn't Tivoly supposed to be sooooo much better after a block of it was demolished by the City ???

    Never seems to work out that way, does it.
