Monday, July 28, 2008

Affirmative Action for Republicans

Was Rod J. Rosenstein hired because he was the best candidate... or because he was the best Republican candidate?


  1. Did anyone hear Ed Norris this afternoon? Apparently it was rip on Pat Jessamy day.

  2. Boy, did the bullets fly last night. Among the casualties was yet another dead shooting victim behind the Walter P. Carter Center in Pen Lucy.

    Jill Carter should ask the City to remove her father's name from that deadly place.

  3. Three murders last night, and the Sun doesn't think that's important enough to put on the front of their website? WTF?

  4. Bill Clinton sanctioned Attorney General Janet Reno's firing of all 93 U.S. attorneys.Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is being raked over the coals for firing 8 U.S. Attorney's. This is just another witch hunt. One of those fired U.S. Attorney's Kevin V. Ryan a Dem working in Ca. had a history of problems. Federal prosecutors formerly working under Ryan describe his management style as "neutering the authority of supervisors" and non-supportive of the pursuit of white collar crime

  5. yeti:

    The Monica Goodlings fiasco has nothing to do with the US Attorney firings.
