Monday, August 11, 2008

Brothers Get Life+20 for Murder of Singer

From the SA's office:
At a hearing today, Judge Roger Brown sentenced Donte Lamont Tyner, 24, of the 3700 block of Brownbrook Court and his brother Tavon Tyner, 21, of the 2500 block of W. Lanvale Street to life in prison plus 20-years for the first-degree murder of Darrell Artis. Details:On April 3, 2008, a Baltimore City jury, found the brothers guilty of first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit firs -degree murder, use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence, and wear, carry, transport a handgun.

On September 7, 2006, the victim, Darrell Artis age 26 of the 6300 block of Pioneer Drive was killed in the 7100 block of McClean Boulevard following an argument. The two brothers accused Artis of singing louder than others who were rapping. According to witness testimony, the two began shooting. Mr. Artis was shot 17 times by the Tyner brothers, who struck every major organ in Mr. Artis’ body.

At the sentencing, Darrell Artis’ grandmother described him as a light to their family and that he brought joy to the family through his musical talents.
Update from Margaret Burns:
"Please note for clarification of sentence:

Both Donte and Tavon Tyner were sentenced to double life sentences (concurrent) on the counts of First-Degree Murder and Conspiracy to Commit Murder and 20-Years Consecutive -- 1st Five Years Without Parole, on the count of Use of a Handgun in the Commissioenr of a Crime of Violence."


trice said...

these young men were not given a fair trial they are in prison for a crime they have not commited this case should be brought back to court with a new judge and jury who would really listen to the facts

Unknown said...

We agree with trice re-trial...collectively the U.S. so called justice system hasn't given the so called "African American" a fair trial since "we"(our ancestors) were brought to this country in the holes of slave ships... personally I believe this is a case of"Lock the wrong ones up and somebody will snitch" scenario...our opinion is retrial... to the family hold ya head because surely ALLAH(God) knows what you know not and he is merciful; wise...

Kay said...

I believe if artist was living he could tell his story. the tyners should not i repeat should not be allowed back on the streets.they do know what they have done wrong .

GG said...

The tyners are definitely the right ones responsible for Darrell Artis death.They are also responsible for Darrells daughters suffering as well,she looses the most in this case,another fatherless child.God has a path for us all.

Anonymous said...

I know the tyner brothers since I was 4yrs old and this is something I know they would have not done. This was a unfair trail. They should of have a chance to provide all the facts... God Bless them and their family. God bless the young men that was killed.

Anonymous said...

They both did it, the whiteness was the female get away driver , who told it all on the stand. So anyone with any discrepancies just makes no sense. The bigger picture here is that Darrell’s daughter never had a chance to grow up with her Father. God bless US ALL 🙏