Monday, August 25, 2008

August 25, 2008

Albert Edward Driscoll III was shot to death on a boat in Sparrow's Point. Mysterious!

A man and a woman shot in the NW

A follow-up on the six-year-old who was shot on Saturday.

Tragic: Lt. Gov. Brown's cousin was shot to death on Saturday by her crazed ex-boyfriend.

News of the hilarious: North Jersey ninjas take on drug dealers, end up in pokey
(thanks J!)

1 comment:

  1. I don't mind bad guys shooting each other, but when an innocent person gets shot(like a kid) I get ticked. What we need is gun control! We need to teach thugs to control the bullets that fly out of their guns. Thugs need marksmanship training so we can have no stray bullets.

    Just joking or am I ?
