Monday, August 4, 2008


Peter Moskos, author of Cop In The Hood, finds a few problems with our trustworthy and dependable cops' current state of affairs.

Nicholas Browning, accused of slaying his family in cold blood, is arguing that he was not in the right frame of mind when he did it. Go Onnnnn...

Loser Clark Rockefeller is headed back to Beantown.

And how could we not talk about The Cos coming to Harm City?


  1. "how could we not talk about The Cos coming to Harm City?"

    ... like this...

  2. "Baltimore school officials reported Monday that suspensions dropped significantly last academic year after city schools chief Andres Alonso discouraged principals from sending students home for nonviolent offenses."

    Pardon my cynicism, but it sounds like they're re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

  3. Central Booking will be getting a new warden tomorrow. That is not a job I would want.

    Three people injured in ambulance crash.

  4. I nominate Berlusconi for Mayor of Baltimore after Sheila's indicted.
